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When you're living in a hectic environment it's very hard to have some sort of .... Peace of mind. I used to get these really bad headaches, I constantly feel trapped, yet lost inside my "home". I heard that some people find their quiet place only in a mental roam. So I read books, write songs, paint, and watch rain drops climb down my window since I can't hold a phone conversation due to the noise in the background.

Today is going to be a good day, I get to hang out with my auntie that I haven't seen in a while, who I used to live with and has truly taught me a lot. I finally get away from all of this stress that I have been under and just sit down like ladies and eat lunch.

I got done putting the finishing touches on my makeup and took a look in the mirror feeling confident for the first time in a long time.

"Why can't I come?" My younger sister asked as I put my studs in my ears.

"Because there isn't enough room in the car girl I already told you." I replied as turning around and glancing at her.

"I don't wanna be left alone here with these dick heads." She replied. I chuckled.

"Go out with your friends or something, It's a Saturday and nice outside take advantage of the daylight.."

She rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you only go out at night you lil hoe"

She hit my arm then we both began to laugh before going to get something to eat. I loved how close me an my sister were becoming, even though she's the second oldest me and her never really got along and were always distant. It went as bad as to where we were fist fighting on a daily basis and did not give two fucks. But now things are changing, and I like it. 

My phone rang and I picked up.

"Hey I'm out front." My aunt said.

"Here I come." I replied as smiling. Before hanging up.

"Get the fuck out my face!" I heard my sister yell. I turned around to see what all the commotion was and realized DeAndre and my sister were arguing.

I got in between the two as they stood and yelled in each other's faces. I told them to stop and I grabbed my sister by the hand and told her to follow me but they were relentless. I walked out of the house once I realized that they wouldn't stop arguing hoping my sister would follow behind me. I quickly realized that she wasn't going to. I opened the door calling her name and she finally came out and spit on DeAndre. He gasped in disgust then ran up and punched her in the face. I screamed grabbing and pulling him away from her as she tried to fight back. My aunt got out of the car calling the police yelling for them to stop. DeAndre then pushed me to the ground.

My heart sunk when I realized my younger sister and two younger cousins all under the ages of 11 were witnessing all of this.

About 5 minutes later the cops pulled up, and soon after that so did DeAndres mom asking for us to explain the situation. It got so out of control so quickly, I couldn't wrap my head around what had happened and neither could my aunt. Something in me just told me to protect my sister. I couldn't believe that this man I love and cherish could do something like this. I knew my sister moving in was a bad idea from the beginning but I would rather her be here than there but what's the difference at the end of the day?

I couldn't believe that she had spit on him which what triggered him to react violently. The craziest thing about it is that him and my sister are so much alike that they clash. At the same time I don't know how to feel right now about DeAndre except disgust. I'm just going to be here for my sister. 

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