Chapter Tweleve

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After about an hour of being at the pub i felt relaxed. It was such hard work looking after these boys. If it wasnt me trying to control them, it was some crazy little girls grabbing at them. Mainly Nathan but they all had their fair share of grabbing.

I turned around to face them all. I'd decided that i didnt want to look at them initially. I wanted my pint and nothing else, but i decided to be sociable.

To my left was Ryan and Ellie, stood about a metre away from each other. Laughing and talking. You could tell they were completely into each other. It was really cute actually. She was quite loud, which made up for the fact ryan was towering over her.

Andy and Anya were stood next to them, whispering in each others ears, Andy's hand was on her hip as he leaned into her ear.

Max and Tanya were stood next to them. You could see they were both hammered already. They werent in it for the evening, Tanya was dancing and Max was sawying next to her. Within the next hour, one of the them would either pass out or throw up or something.

Nathan and Beth were stood next to them, still not leaving each others side, clinging onto each other. It was sweet really. I'd never seen Nath was a girl before, and he was cute. Fair play to him.

Siva was stood by Beth and Tom, doing his priceless Star Wars impressions. I acctually loved these impressions. They were soo good and so funny, but i never let on how much i loved them, and usually just took the piss. One day i would tell him how much i loved them.

Next to them was Tom and then Leah, who were holding hands and occasionally looking at each other and smiling. I loved those two being together. They were perfect for each other. Tom was such a wild card before they were together, and eventhough he does what he wants and behaves like a bellend sometimes, hes alot better and you can tell he really cares for Leah. Leah was awesome though. I liked her alot. She was so shy and nice, and was really quirky which i liked. She seemed to be talking alot tonight though. I liked the fact she was talking loads. She deserved to have a good time and have a laugh.

Carys was next to Leah with jay and Adam both talking to her. She was a funny little thing. So much banter and so... 'different'. She didnt seem to care what others thought and if she thought it would be a laugh, she'd do it. She had a small bruise appearing on her shoulder but i didnt want to mention it because i knew Jay was feeling bad. I couldnt tell what was going on with those lot though. I mean, it was clear that Ryan was into Ellie and her the same back. As was Andy and Anya, Tanya and Max, Beth and Nathan, Tom and Leah, and Sophie and Joel. I couldnt work out those 3 though. I mean, I could tell Adam was keen on her, but i couldnt work out if she liked him, but she was so casual with both of them, it was hard to tell.

Joel and Sophie were stood by Adam. They didnt seem to be talking but occasionally he would ask her if she was ok, and she'd reply. I didnt realise two people could be so nervous.

I nudged Joel and he turned and looked at me. "Do something will you"... This was killing me. Why was he being so wet.

He shook his head and said "I dont know what to do"... "Go for a walk or something" i replied.

He nodded and smiled. Finally.


I didnt know what to say to Joel. I'd said hi and he kept asking me if i was ok, but the conversation stopped there really. Everytime he leaned in to say something, i expected a conversation, not just "you ok". Saying that, i really didnt know what to say either.

Luckily Carys, Jay and Adam kept talking to me, but i didnt really say much to them either. I felt so nervous and shy. Joel wasnt really talking to anyone either.

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