Chapter Fifteen.

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I woke up around half ten because i felt Tom sturring next to me. I lay there thinking about the night before. Thinking what a good night it was.

The night had been such a laugh and i loved it, but it turned bad so fast. I was gutted that the girls had to leave, but i spose that it ended on a high which was nice.

When the girls got into the taxi, the mood completely changed. All the boys seemed quiet and wierd. I didnt like it. The idea of seeing them in a few hours made the boys cheer up though, so that was nice.

I pulled myself onto my elbows and felt the pounding in my head. How much did i drink last night?. I didnt feel drunk before, but my head was sore now. Tom groaned from beside me and rolled to face me.

"Hey baby, You alright?" He was looking at me, his eyes wide open. He looked so cute when he just woke up. He smiled at me, blinking loads. I could control myself, i had my hands holding his face, kissing him. I felt his arms wrap around me and lift me on to him.

How was he so perfect?.

I stopped kissing him and pushed against him so i could see his face.

"Hey you, im ok, heads a bit sore but im good, and you?" I smiled at him. I spose it was more of a grin than a smile, but he chuckled back at me, like he always did.

He nodded and pulled me closer, to kiss me again.


My phone buzzed next to me and i instantly felt my head go.

We'd decided that we were gunna have a few more drinks before we called it a night, So me, Joel, Adam and Andy headed back into the bar. Tom and Leah came in for one more drink before they left, which was nice because it gaves us the chance to properly talk to Leah about the conversation earlier.

Leah explained all about the conversation with Carys and i dont think Adam believed her at first.

After half an hour, those two left but we stayed for another one.

I loved being with these boys. I loved the wanted boys but being with Lawson, my boys, it was nice. We all knew each other so well that we could say anything.

We'd spent about an hour talking about the girls and finding out stuff from each other. We'd been hitting the booze hard after they left, and im pretty sure i'd fallen out of the bar because i'd had to much.

I started to think about the night, and then my brain suddenly remembered i was meeting Ellie today. I rolled over to grab my phone.

She'd already text me.

But it was from last night. My phone had died in the bar, and i must of not heard it when i stuck it on charge when i got in.

"Hey, I didnt know how to tell you either, but im glad you text because i feel exactly the same! Cant wait for later xxxxxx".

Ellie liked me. Oh my god.

I re-read it 4 times before i managed to fully take it in.

I found myself crawling out of bed and running to show one of the boys. I didnt care which one but i needed to show someone. Have someone else feel my excitement.

I found myself at Joel's bed first. He looked so peaceful.

I flung myself onto his bed, half across him.

"What the fuck man" He was squinting at me.

"Look man, Ellies text me, Look"... I felt like a kid at christmas.

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