Chapter Seventeen.

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Andy was picking up Anya at the same time, so we went together. We were both nervous, so the moral support was nice.

We stood in the reception, waiting for them to come downstairs.

I was talking to Andy for a while when i noticed the lift doors open and Anya and Ellie were stood there. I nudged Andy to show they were stood there.

Ellie looked beautiful.

We walked over and she wrapped her arms aaround me. It was nice.

"Afternoon" I said to her.

She smiled. "Afternoon".

i asked her how she was, and then she did the same.

Andy and Anya left before us. They said bye and i got nervous.

"What dya fancy doing?" I asked her.

She said she didnt mind.

"Well, we have a few choices. A, we could go to a spar or something. B, We could go shopping or something, or C, theres a small cinema showing Star Wars we could go see".... I hope she picks C. I know ive seen star wars hundreds of times, but i love it.

"C" She said and smiled at me. "lets go".

I couldnt believe she was so keen. Literally i think now shes marriage material. Anyone who dragged me out the door to watch Star wars had to be a keeper.

The cinema was only about 5 minutes away so we walked.

We didnt walk in silence, but we didnt speak as much as we did last night. Ellie grabbed hold of my arm. It made me feel more comfortable. I wriggled my arm free and wrapped it around her, and she clung on to me. It was cute. She smelled so good and it was nice to have her so close to me.

We started to talk then, about random things. She mentioned the fight with Tanya that Carys had and i felt bad for them all. I know they were all gutted about leaving last night. Ellie cried which was too cute.

We got to the cinema and i bought up some drinks and stuff.

We went and sat down in the screen and waited. We were quite early and were the first ones in there.

"Your text made me smile last night by the way" Ellie was smiling at me.

"Yeah?" I said.

She nodded and smiled.

"Well, your reply made me smile. Alot" I said.

She smiled back at me.

"Its true though. I really do like you. Alot. I had such a good night with you!" I saw her go a little pink in the cheeks and she looked down and smiled.

"Well i really like you too." She said. She'd gone redder now.

I cant believe how much i liked this girl. She was amazing. She was beautiful, she was funny, she was cute, she was fun to be around, she made me smile, made me nervous, made me excited. She was just incredible.


When Ryan asked me what i wanted to do, the spa sounded amazing but i knew how much he loved star wars, and i didnt mind the film, so i said to go and watch it.

I didnt really mind what we did, i just wanted to spend time with him.

He looked amazing today. So cute and hot at the same time.

We were sat in the cinema, and he'd just said he liked me. Like not in a text. Actually aloud. It meant so much more now because i knew he meant it and it wasnt just a drunken text.

I felt the butterflies in my stomache. I could feel my cheeks going red as he spoke. Knowing that he could see how much i loved that comment.

We sat both facing the screen, not knowing what else we could possibly say to express how we felt.

I saw him move in the corner of my eye, and felt his warm lips against my cheek.

I felt butterflies go thoughout my whole body.

I turned at smiled at him. He smiled back.

I considered moving in and trying to kiss him when a few people came in and sat down behind us.

A few other people came in and i knew id lost the chance.

He grabbed my hand to hold it. It was cute. I held his hand, and turned to smile at him.

He pulled my hand towards his mouth and kissed it. He lingered there for a few seconds. I could feel his lips on the back of my hand. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me.


After Ellie told me she liked me, i couldnt help but kiss her cheek, and then her hand. If there were so many people around, i would of tried to kiss her lips. I really wanted to, but i hated people kissing in cinemas, it just wasnt right. I didnt want to be one of those people.

The lights went down and the screen came on. I unlinked my fingers with hers and she looked at me. i wrapped my arm around her and she smiled. She moved in closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder. It felt nice. I cuddled her in a little more and kissed the top of her head.

I was falling for this girl so fast.

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