Chapter Nineteen.

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Everyone else had left me when i noticed it was ten to three. I sorted my hair one last time and made sure i looked the best i could. I mean, if you dont make the effort for Nathan Sykes, when are you going too.

He was picking me up from the room. Everyone else said the reception, but i wanted to make him chase me a little more.

I heard the door go as i was packing some stuff into a bag. I ran to answer it because i didnt really want Tanya to speak to him. As much as i didnt really say anything to her, i was also really pissed.

When i got there, he was stood looking at his feet.

"Alright farmboy" i was stood leaning against the door frame now.

"Hey" He laughed and then smiled at me.

I couldnt control myself,  i gave him a cuddle. He cuddled me back.

I took a step back and looked at him.

"You ready?" He said.

"Gimme a minute, just gotta grab some stuff. Where we going?" I dont know how i was so casual around him. Before, when i thought about meeting him, i fangirled so hard, i didnt think security would ever let me actually near him, but now it was as if id known him for ages.

"I dunno, hadnt planned anything actually". He wasnt joking. He really hadnt planned anything?!.

I dont know what came over me, but i grabbed him cap and placed it on my head. "I think it looks better on me" I smiled at him and winked.

He lunged towards me. I expected him to wrestle me down and take it back but he didnt.

I felt his lips on mine again. Harder than they were last night. He pulled his lips away from mine, but his face was right infront of mine. I saw him smile and then he looked into my eyes before kissing me again.

I started to kiss him back. Its all i wanted to do.

I felt his hands on my legs and then he picked me up. Still kissing me. I ran my fingers through his hair. I could feel the butterflies in my stomache.

He stopped kissing me but didnt put me down.

"Im sorry, i had to do that. I've been thinking about it all night. I didnt want you to go last night. I wanted to you to come back with me. Not for the reason your thinking, im not like that. I just wanted to be with you. Wanted to spend my time with you.".

He looked me in the eyes while he said it. Showing me how sincere he was being. It took my breath away. I didnt know what to say. I didnt know how to respond.

I wanted to say that i felt the same. Wanted him to keep kissing me. Keeping holding me all night but i didnt know how to say it.

I wanted to tell him never to put me down. To just keep kissing me. To never let me out his sight and to never go out of mine. But saying all of that would be too much.

I had to do something. Anything. Otherwise he'd think i didnt feel the same.

I smiled at him. And kissed him. It was the first time i properly kissed him. And it wasnt just a peck. I meant it.


I said all of that and instantly felt that i'd made things awkward. What if she didnt feel like that.

As i held her, i willed her to feel the same. To say it back. Say anything. But what she did, showed me that she did feel that way.

She kissed me. Properly. Pulling herself closer to me. I could feel her body firmer against mine.

I couldnt believe how much i liked her right now. Wanted her.

I pulled away from her, smiling at her. I bit my lip because i had to do something.

She looked at me.

"Fuck, thats so hot" She said while looking at me.

I smiled. "What is?" i asked.

"When you bite your lip" She said, leaning towards me, kissing me again.

She pulled away this time.

"So, we doing something today then?" She asked.

"Yeah, what do you fancy?" I said back.

She was talking as if that didnt just happen, i couldnt stop thinking about it. It was so hot.

"Grab a bite to eat, do something....Fun" She said and raised an eyebrow at the word fun. What was she trying to do to me. Kill me. Make me get over excited. What ever it was, i needed a calm down.

"Ok" i said. Try to concenrate and not think about how beautiful she was, how hot that was, how i wanted her. Tractors in a field. Tractors in a muddy field.

"Come in a sec, ive gotta get some stuff. Everything's everywhere in here". I followed her in. This place was nice. It was such a massive layout and it was so pretty.

She walked into a bedroom and i didnt know whether i was supposed to follow her or not, so i stood outside the room.

"Come in, Tanya's in there and lets just say things are awkward"... She was peering around the door to see if she was near when she whispered it.

I followed her in.

There was 2 beds there and a fuck load of clothes on the floor.

"Hmmm, its tidy in here" I had a massive grin on my face.

"Its the way i like it" she said sarcastically.

Fuck this girl was awesome.

"Yeah, i can see why. I mean, who wants a tidy room and clean clothes". I said back sarcastically.

I felt her push me. I lost my balance and fell on the bed. She was grinning.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me. She didnt fight back, but kneeled on the bed. I sat up and kissed her.

She pushed me back but kept on kissing me. I ran my fingers through her hair.

This was so hot.

She kept kissing me for a while and i knew we had to stop. Stop soon.

I pulled away from her.

"Right, i need some air, lets go". I may have been a bit unbrupt but im pretty sure she knew why. I may have got more excited than intended.

She grabbed her bag and we left, she was trying to hid her laugh but i noticed it. I held her hand as we went downstairs. I could feel my cheeks going red.

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