Chapter Twenty Four.

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Tom lead me to the car, and opened the door. I got in and sat down, nervous about where we were going. It was rare for Tom to suprize me, but the last surprize was awesome, he'd asked me too move in, so it made me more excited.

He got in the other side and Kissed me on the cheek.

"Tom, where we going?"

"Its a secret" He said back.

I looked at him and he smiled, as if to say he wouldnt be telling me, so not to bother asking.

We drove for about 20 minutes, and then the car started to slow down, pulling over and stopping. I had no idea where we were.


The car started to slow down and i could feel the nerves kicking in.

The car stopped, so i paid the guy and ran around to open Leah's door. She looked worried as to where we were, and it just made me more nervous.

She got out and i grabbed my things from the boot. I think this made her more confused, which was quite funny.

I walked over to her and grabber her hand. "Lets go" i said to her, starting to walk.

"Where are we going Tom?" She asked, stopping.

"I cant tell you" i said, hoping she wouldnt ask more. Wouldnt ruin the surprise.

She didnt ask anything else, which made me calm down a little. I was worried enough as it was, but her asking questions made me more nervous.

We walked for a little while, when we got to the perfect spot, i stopped and she stooded with me.

"whats up?" she asked me.

"nothing, We're here" I said back.

"Here? theres nothing here" she said.

I laughed and placed my bags on the floor.

I started to open one up and pulled out a blanket for us to sit on. I dont know whether she liked this idea or not but it was a hot day, and i had an idea in mind.

I spread out the blanket and she sat down.

I sat down next to her, and pulled out a bottle of wine and 2 glasses.

She looked at me confused.

I handed her a glass of wine and she gave me a kiss on the cheek.


This place seemed so familiar but i cant remember why. I'd been here before but i really had no idea when or for what. It was nice here though. The sun was beaming down on us, and i was sat next to Tom with some wine.

I didnt know whether i would be able to finish the wine as i still felt delicate from last night. After the first sip though, i knew i could.

We sat for a while, not talking alot but i really enjoyed being with him. He seemed quiet and nervous, which was so unlike him. Something must be up.

"you ok?" i asked him, placing my hand on his leg.

"yeaah im fine baby, you ok?" he said back, placing his hand on mine.

"Im fine" i said back.

i could tell he wasnt, but i didnt want to push him.


We sat for a while, just enjoying each others company. I was trying to build up the courage to ask her. Ask her the most important question i could think of. But everytime i went to, i forgot what i wanted to say.

After about half an hour, i dug out some bits i brought along. It was all mini foods, but i didnt know what to bring. Mini pasties, mini pies, mini chocolates, mini doughnuts.

And then i handed her some flowers. I'd already left her a bunch of roses, but i kept two back and put them in my bag.

"These are for you" i said, handing them to her.

"Awh baby, you already gave me a bunch of beautiful roses, and i get even more?" I didnt know if this was a question or a statement.

"I realised i didnt give you enough flowers, and i wanted a small token to show you how beautiful i think you are, and these roses seemed a small fraction of your beauty" I said back.

Her face changed. I thought she was going to cry. Her eyes filled up, so i stuck my arms around her and she buried her head into my chest.

"I really love you Tom" I heard, eventhoug it was muffled.

I smiled and felt butterflies in my stomache. I took my breath and caught me by surprise. She said it often but it still caught be off guard sometimes.

"Leah, theres something i wanted to tell you." I said, waiting for her to withdraw her face so i could look into her eyes.

She did after i didnt carry on and looked at me.

"We've been together for a long time now yeah, and well i was thinking about us. Thinking about me and you. And it made me realise how much i loved you. How much i never wanted to loose you. So thats why i made the gestures. Buying you the dress, buying you the flowers and bringing you here, to show you how much i appreciate and love you" I said.

She didnt say anything for a while and said "Well i couldnt love you more, and you dont have to do things like to prove you love me, i know." She paused. "But these are nice" She said, grinning at me.

I leaned over and kissed her.


"Leah, i know i fuck up sometimes, and its hard with me being in the band but i dont ever want to be without you".

He stood up, and took my hands, pulling me up. I pulled my dress down a bit and looked at him.

"I rang your dad today, i took the number off your phone last night" He said.

I knew my phone has been moved in the bar!!

"Right" i said.

"He said it was fine and he was happy, so i brought you here because theres something i wanted to ask you...Do you know where we are?" He asked.

"I recognise this place, but i dont know why" i said back.

"This is the place where you first said you loved me. I know that may sound silly but this place means so much to me. When we were here last, i remember feeling so made up because you said you loved me and i realised how much i loved you. So i brough you here to ask you..."

He got down on one knee.

I felt ever inch of me tingle. Felt ever breath inside my lungs dissapear. Felt myself freeze.

"If you'd spend the rest of your life with me.  Let me protect you and comfort you. Let me love you every second of every day and do the same. Will you become Mrs Parker? Will you marry me baby?".

I couldnt believe this was happening. This moment id dreamed about for so long. I still couldnt catch my breath. Still couldnt feel my body.

He was still looking up at me, hopeful.

"Yes, ofcourse. I couldnt think of anything better than being to married to you. Spending the rest of my life with you. Yes Tom" I said back.


Waiting for the answer was the most painful thing id ever done. Waiting to know whether she would or not. If she didnt, i knew things would change. Things would be different because we'd want something different. Knowing i may of ruined everything would crush me.

But when she said Yes, i dont think id ever been so happy in my life.

I stood up and she wrapped her arms around me, and i wrapped mine around her, lifting her up in the air. Kissing her like never before. Kissing my fiance.

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