Chapter Thirty Nine.

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When we got to Starbucks Nathan we realised we were the first. It was 20 past 9 now, so we were thinking someone would be there by now. Part of me thought that Ryan was going to start running to the hotel, but we managed to persuade him to stay with the promise of coffee.

We ordered some drinks and went and sat down at the biggest table we could find, there was going to be a few of us when everyone got here.

Nathan turned up looking somewhat stressed. He walked to the counter, ordered his drink and came and sat down.

"You alright nath?" Ryan said, looking puzzled.

"Mate, been in such a fucking rush since last night. Had to tidy but Jay helped me so that was ok, and then i woke up late and i fell running around naked. Its been a hard day already" He said, some humour in his voice.

"Sorry, can i just ask why you were running around naked?" Joel asked, looking somewhat confused.

"I was running from the shower to my room and fell and dropped my towel. Jay was there too which made it slightly awkward" Nath said, trying to get eyecontact with the girl at the counter. She was taking ages with our drinks now.

"Well, now thats cleared up i feel so much better" Joel said, pulling the funniest face id ever seen him do.

"Nervous about it mate?" I asked Nathan.

The girl started to bring our drinks over.

"Kinda. Like, im glad i get to spend time with Beth and all that, and that doesnt make me nervous, i guess just trying to make sure everything else is perfect is the mission. You?" He said, puttting far too much sugar in his tea.

"a little, just nervous she'll get bored or something" I said back.

Ryan looked at me and raised his eyebrows. I could tell this meant something like.. 'from the fact you were at it yesterday i doubt boredum will come into it', so i grinned back at him.

Anya was so easy to get along with that i doubted we would get bored or anything like that, i mean, just sitting watching toy story seemed to amuse both of us. I was looking forward to doing nothing really though. Just kicking back and cuddling my girl.


I couldnt believe i was early. I dont think id been early anywhere for a long time now. But this was different. I had a reason to be early. To want to be early. And she was about to come stay with me.

I ordered a tea and it literally took ages to get to me but that was alright because it gave me a chance to speak to the boys. Talk to Andy, Adam, Joel and Ryan although, Adam didnt speak much and Ryan didnt really take his eyes off the door.

Id always liked these guys but never really got to know them all that much, i mean, Max was always with them normally and i kinda didnt get a chance to meet them properly. Get to know them. But i liked the fact we were spending time together. They were a laugh and different to what people expect really.

 "Werent they supposed to be here at half past?" i said when it was coming up to twentyfive too.

"Maybe we've been stood up and theyve gone home?" Adam said, half joking. I started to panic.

"They wouldnt, would they?" Joel said.

"Naah" Ryan said, starting to rub his body. "Theyd miss out on all of this" He said, rubbing his nipples now.

We started to laugh but it was actually beginning to get awkward.


we started to walk into Starbucks and it was lush. Like a really nice layout and everything. The boys were at the back of the room and they turned to look at us one by one. I saw Andy turn and smile and wave at me, so i started to walk over. Ellie and Sophie followed me but Beth stopped and waited for Carys.

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