Chapter Twenty One.

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The film came to an end and the lights came on. I'd spent the whole film cuddling Ryan. At first resting my head on his shoulder, and then when my bum went numb, i pulled my knees up, turned towards him, and rested my face on his chest. About halway through the film, he grabbed my legs and pulled them over him.

It felt nice to have him comfort me.

When the lights were fully on, i looked at him, and he was smiling.

"I dont care how many times i watch that genius film, it will get better and better each time" he said.

I laughed. He was so geeky at times, but i liked that about him.

"Im not gunna lie, I actually want to become a jedi" I said to him. He smiled in approval.

"Well i think your a bit old for training. But seeing as i was taught as a small child, i could teach you. One on one" He grinned at me.

"That'd be good, but i'll try stay good and not turn on my master" I smiled at him, starting to walk out of the cinema.

"Well thats good, because i'd hate to take down my student... Young padawan shall never challenge me due to the love she feels for her master" He looked at me and winked.

I couldnt help but laugh and nod my head.

He smiled at me.

"Whats the plan now master" i said.

I couldnt help but flirt with Ryan. He was so fun to be around, and the banter between us was awesome.

"Well i was actually thinking of ditching you, but i spose i better point you in the right direction... Your hotels that way" he said pointing.

This better be a joke. I didnt say anything.

He wrapped his arms around me. "Awwh, im joking babe, i would never do that. Especially to you. Goodluck getting rid of me, thats all im saying" He kissed the top of my head.

I looked up at his face and he smiled at me. His face started to come closer to mine now.

His lips pushed against my nose. He pulled away and smiled at me and i smiled back.

This guy was way to cute.

"Dya fancy a bite to eat then? I dont want to share you with anyone else just yet" He said, holding out his hand for me to grab on to.

I linked my fingers with his. "Awh, yeah sounds a plan to me. And FYI i dont want you to have to share me either" i said back to him. Walking slightly ahead of him. I felt him tug at my arm, and as i turned around, he did something that took my breath away.

His free hand rested against my cheeks and i felt his lips against mine before i knew what was happening.

His lips so plump and soft. So gentle against mine.

I put my spare hand on his side, tightening my fingers around him.

He pulled his lips away slightly and replaced them again, firmer this time. I felt my fingers gather his shirt in my hand.

He didnt pull away, he continued to kiss me. I wanted to pull his face closer to mine. Feel every inch of his lips against mine, but i didnt. Half because i could barely move. Every inch of me was numb apart from my lips. I felt as though my chest would explode with the excitement. And the other half because Ryan hadn't let go of my hand and i wanted to have that continued contact with him.


I couldnt help myself. When she said she didnt want me to share her, i couldnt not do it.

I kissed her. It was amazing.

In fairytales your told when the princess and prince first kiss, theres fireworks and everything and they know. Well, i felt them. I felt the fireworks. I had that feeling. Feeling that this was one of the best moments that would happen to me. That this girl was more than just a girl, but she was Ellie. My Ellie.

I pulled away slowly, opening my eyes to find hers. Her beautiful blue eyes. She stood motionless for a few seconds and then bit her lip, smiling at me.


I smiled back at her.

"Sorry, i couldnt help myself" i said.

"the only thing i will accept the apology for is taking so long to do that" She said back at me. Her smile had grown.

"I should probably do it again then? To make up for it?" i said to her looking hopeful. I might of been pushing my luck, but i gave it a go.

"Well yeah, i think you probably should" She said, smirking at me.

I let go of her hand and placed both hands either side of her face. I pressed my lips against hers again.

I felt both of her hands on my hips, pulling at my top slightly. I couldnt help myself, i was putting more pressure on her lips. I was aware people were looking at us but i really didnt care. This moment was what i'd been waiting for.

I felt her phone buzz in her pocket and we both hesitated before pulling away from each other.

I felt resentment towards her phone. Towards whoever had text her.

She smiled at me and pulled her phone out of her pocket.


"Hows it going with you and Ryan?" It was Sophie.

I was glad she'd text because i had to tell someone, but really? That moment. Why not wait like 5 minutes.

I placed my phone back in my pocket.

"So, a bite to eat yeah?" Ryan was smiling at me.

"Yeaah" i said back.

"Where dya fancy?" He asked.

"I dont really know. Dont know where we are. You decide" i said back. It was true. I had no idea.

"Nando's or somewhere fancy?" He said.

"I love nando's and if we go somewhere fancy then we'd have to be on best behaviour" i said. Winking at him.

"Nando's it is" he said, grabbing my hand.


Literally this girl would become my wife. Star wars. Fireworks. And now Nando's. I'd probably find a Bon Jovi tattoo hidden somewhere on her body just to show me the concluding evidence that this was the most awesome girl in exsistance.

We walked to nando's holding hands, she was cuddling my arm aswell which was nice.

I was so into her right now that i would of carried her there if she'd asked me too.

When we got there, we found a table upstairs. It was quiet up there and it was so cosy. We sat down and ordered food. I couldnt take my eyes off her. Her smile. Her laugh. Her eyes. She was so beautiful.

The idea of taking her to see the others later was gutting. I wanted to spend more time with her.

I made the most of being alone with her, so reached my hands across the table and held both of her hands. She smiled at me, so i pushed myself off my chair and leaned across the table. Gently resting my lips on hers.

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