Chapter Ten.

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I saw something fly passed my head and dropped. I knew when a war broke out in the dressing room, cover was all i needed.

I think it was a lemon, but to find out for sure meant i'd have to become vunerable in this fight.

All of a sudden, i saw Jay fly towards Max and Tom fly after him. This could only mean one thing. A pile on.

I came out from behind the sofa and jumped on.

We all broke out in hysterics when we reallised jay had kneed Max in his sack. He was going red in the face. I could feel tears forming in my eyes from the laughter.

I love these boys.

There was a knock at the door, and within seconds, Nath was there. He'd spent the last 5 minutes infront of the mirror because he the girls were coming back stage.

Before he opened the door, he turned around and mouthed for us to "Get the fuck up and behave"... There was the nath we knew.. not this imposter that was on stage.

We got up and straighten ourselves up.

Nath opened the door and started talking. He was acting so casual and relaxed, he was a mess 2 minutes ago. Hes smooth.

I looked over, and Max was looking in the mirror, just checking that he looked ok. I know he was excited to see one of the girls, i smiled without realising. I was excited for Max, sincce his last relationship left him gutted.

Three of the girls stepped in, looking amazing. I dont know where the others were, but Beth was here and so was the girl Max was keen on. There was also one other girl. She was cute.


The Wanted were actually stood right infront of us. I couldnt believe it. How did this happen.


"Well, as you may already know, this is Siva, Jay, Max, and Tom. And this lovely girl is Tom's girlfriend Leah. Not alot of people know about Leah, but thats the way they like it and shes awesome".

I put my arm around Leah and smiled.


"So do we get to know your names?" I looked at the girl that caught my attention in the gig.

"This is Sophie, and this is Tanya" Beth said.

Tanya. She was amazing. So smiley and stunning. I couldnt stop myself smiling at her.

"Well hi" i said. Out of everything i said.. i said that...Nice one Maxxy boy.


Nath looked so much better right now. Hes so hot.

And leah seemed nice.

Stood next to Tom. She was so pretty. Brown curly hair, big brown eyes and freckles. She was smiling at us, which was nice because i already felt so nervous.


"Seeing as Nath is lacking manners, i'll do it, can i get any of you girls a drink?".. I looked at the girls and gestured to the fridge.

Tanya and Beth both wanted a drink, but Sophie said she was alright.

I handed the girls a beer each and handed one to all the boys and Leah. They didnt really have a choice at what they could have, we only had beer, but we had two brands, so i guess thats a choice.

I went and sat on the sofa, and slowly everyone came and joined me.

"i thought that you were with some other girls aswell?".. i was really confused because i thought it was 6 of them, i mean, we gave 6 passes out.

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