Chapter Twenty Three.

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The air was helping but not enough. I held her hand and kind of dragged her, trying not to think about her. It was sort of working. I was starting to calm down.

We walked for about 10 minutes and then i realised i didnt know where we were walking too.

I started to think where we could go, and it hit me. The perfect place to take this perfect girl.


Nathan in the bedroom was so funny. He went so red and got up so quickly. I couldnt help but laugh.

We were walking somewhere, somewhere that i dont even think nathan planned on going to.

He was so much cuter than id ever expected. When we was in the room, i just wanted to stay there forever.

As we walked down the street, i saw Nathan's lightbulb moment when he decided that he knew where we were going.

We got into a taxi and headed to wherever Nathan had planned.

"Stop" Nathan said to me in the back of the taxi.

"Stop what" i said back.

"Stop touching your leg against mine" He said back, looking down.

I hadnt been trying to wind him up. My leg had just been resting against his. I smiled and moved it away.

After a minute or two he spoke again.

"OK, i take it back." He said, and then placed his hand on my leg and pulled it against his.

I smiled at him, placing my hand on his. He smiled back and me and leaned in, placing his lips on mine. I know i should of been sweet and pulled away gently, looking at him, being all cute, but i couldnt help it. I wrapped my hand around his neck and pulled him closer, kissing him harder.

"Here we are sure, sorry to interupt" The taxi driver was saying to us, Trying not to look but also trying to get us out of his car.

"Cheers mate" Nath said back after pulling away from me. I couldnt stop looking at him. He leaned forward and paid the guy and turned to look at me.

"You alright? Your kinda staring at me" He said grinning.

"Theres a good reason to stare at you" I said back smirking.

He smiled at me and opened his door, grabbing my hand and leading me out.

I stood up slowly and looked around. A football ground. Arsenal's i think.

"If you hate it, we can leave, but i remembered Man U are playing Arsenal today, and i thought it might be nice....." He paused.

"And i really wanna watch the match" He said.

I laughed at him.

"Well to be honest nath, i really wanted to watch the game too, so its ideal" I said, walking toward the ground.

"wait wait wait, you wanted to watch the game?" He said, pulling at my arm.

"Yeaah, we better win" I said back.

"We.... WE? You support a football team?" He said. He looked shocked.

"Yeah, i support Man U" I said back, still trying to pull Nath towards the ground. I knew kick off wasnt too long off, so i wanted to get inside the ground.

"You support Man U? Seriously? Can we just get married now?" He said back at me, with a massive smile on his face.

"Yeaaah, sounds good to me" I said back, now actually dragging him. He finally started to move. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in tight as we walked. Luckily it wasnt a long walk as loads of girls started to run towards Nathan. I got nervous.

As soon as we walked through the doors, A guy in a suit said hi to Nathan and they started to talk, as if they were old mates.

I didnt concentrate on the conversation, just started to let my mind wander off, looking around the place. It was so different to where i'd normally see the ground.

They must of finished talking because i felt Nath's hands wrap around me. And then i saw them, 2 tickets. Tickets to the box though, not the normal seats.

I took them off him and looked closer. This was amazing. Not only was i getting special treatment i was with the guy of my dreams. Nathan Sykes.


I loved this. I loved being here, doing something i loved, with Beth. She was literally the most amazing person i'd met.

We went to the box, and grabbed a drink. I loved the fact we got free beers and free food. And especially here, like football food not that fancy shit they sometimes bring. I think thats what i missed the most, about being normal and watching local matches with my dad.

We sat down at some seats and waited, talked, she was in my arms the whole time. Kick off was in 20 minutues, so the atmosphere was starting to build in the stadium.

"Exuse me Mr Syke, theres a gentlemen outside that would like a quick interview with you and was wondering whether you'd be willing or not, if not i can ask him to leave" Antony had come up to me. I was so pleased when i saw him as soon as we came in. He was such a nice guy, and always helped us out with tickets, and he understood about our situation. About people just wanting any old information on us.

"Yeah, i can do a really quick interview" I said back. He nodded and headed out to talk to him. Im sure it was to tell him what he could and couldnt ask and that sort of thing. He'd clearly been trained for press interviews.

"Babe, im just gunna do a quick interview. I'll be back in a couple of minutes, is that ok?" I asked Beth..

"Course it is" She said, kissing me softly. As soon as she did that i realised it was a bad idea, and that i wanted to stay with her, wanted to kiss her, wanted more than that actually.

"I wont be long" i said, dragging myself away from her.

"Hi nathan. thankyou for agreeing. I just wanted to build the atmosphere at the ground, and obviously whenever theres a celebrity watching, it gets everyone else major buzzed. Just a  few questions, is that ok? anything you'd rather i didnt talk about?" This guy was short and bald, but i remeber him well from Tv.

"Thats fine mate, just a quick one yeah? Naaah, ask away" i said back.

He turned away from me and started to look at the camera.

"Yes, im stood here with Nathan Sykes from The Wanted who's about to watch the match, Nathan, You excited for the game?"

"absolutely, im always excited to see Man U play, but playing a team like Arsenal makes it more exciting" I answered back. These interviews always made me nervous because if i said the wrong thing, i could really fuck these things up. He asked me a few more questions, like who i was most excited to see play, what i thought the score was, and then he asked about the boys, asking about the gig. Then came the question that really caught me off guard.

"So are you here with the boys today then?" He said.

I could lie and say yes, making our management happy, but then i wanted to tell them the truth. Tell them about Beth.

"No im not actually, im here with Beth" i said. A smile appeared on my face.

"Oh right, and may i ask who Beth is?" He said back.

"Ofcourse mate, I met her last night, and i'll be honest, shes amazing mate. Like literally the most amazing girl ive ever met" I said back. I couldnt stop myself.

He smiled back at me.

"So is she your girlfriend?" He asked back.

"Not yet, hopefully soon though" I said back with a massive smile.

"Well, good luck mate, and enjoy the game". He turned the camera off and said thanks again.

I walked back into the box, knowing what i had to do. What i wanted to do.

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