Chapter Twenty Six.

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I watched Nathan walk out of the room and stand infront of the glass, talking to the interviewer. I couldnt hear what was being said, so went looking for a Tv to watch it.

I walked around the box and found a big tv, so i flicked it on and there he was stood, talking to this guy, looking stunning as always.

I searched around for the volume and then i heard the sentence that made butterflies start in my stomache. Made my heart jump in my chest. Made me feel sick with excitement.

"Is she your girlfriend?" The guy said.

"Not yet, hopefully soon though" Nathan replied. He wanted me to be his girlfriend. What the fuck. I couldnt believe he said that.

I just looked at the screen for a while, trying to process it.

Trying to make myself believe it, because quite frankly, it really wasnt going in.

I saw him start to turn, start to come back in, so i walked back over the sofa/chairs that we were sat on before and waited for him.

He walked over to me and sat down, kissing my head as he did so.

"Hey, sorry was i long" he said.

"No, you were really quick actually" i said back.

"good" he said back. Why was he not asking me.

I paused and then found myself speaking, not knowing what i was about to say. "I saw the interview, what you just said" i said, looking straight at him.

"Yeah" He said. "I was actually thinking of a way to ask you, but you didnt really give me time... Ok... Well basically beth, i know this is crazy, and i only just met you yesterday, but ive never ever felt this way about a girl. Like shes my everything. Like i cant stand to be away from her. Like nothing else really matters other than her. Well other than you. Im crazy about you. I cant stop thinking about you. I know i dont want to be apart from you, and although this is mad, and i wouldnt expect you to say you wanted to be my girlfriend or anything, but i really want you in my life. Like always, and i know its a big committment, but i need you in my life and i need you to want me in yours".

He just looked at me. He looked so sincere and in pain. Worried that i might say no and therefore he'd be hurt.

"You seriously dont think i'd be your girlfriend? Seriously?" I said back, grinning at him.

He just looked at me. His mouth may as well of been on the floor.

"You'd want to be my girlfriend?" He finally said.

"Nath, why would i not. Im crazy about you. Ive always wanted to meet you, ever since i heard your first song. Ever since that moment i knew i had to meet you. And then i did get to. And your all i expected and more. Your perfect for me" I said. I dont know where these words were coming from, but i couldnt stop.

He smiled at me and said...

"Well, im crazy about you and have been since i first met you. I want to spend every day with you. I know thats not possible as we have different lives, but the idea of not seeing you regularly kills me. So please just say you'll come and see me. Be with me. Ive honestly never felt like this before. I feel somewhat a mess. Im proper falling for you. Ever second it fall more and more".

I felt my heart melt. Felt my stomache flip with excitement. Felt my breath escape me.

"Oh nath" i said, flinging my arms around him. Ive never heard such beautiful things be said to me.

"Ofcourse i'll come see you all time, you'll struggle to get rid of me. I dont wanna be apart from you Nath" I said back, still wrapped around him.

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