Chapter Sixty Seven.

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“What do you mean somethings happened?” I said to Nathan.

I could hear panic in my voice.

“An arguement” He said.

“Between who?” I snapped back.

“Me and Joel” He said.

I instantly hated this.

I wanted to sort shit out with Joel, and now they’d argued.

“Right. What happened” I asked, dredding the answer.

“I hit him, Im so sorry Beth. He was being a dick. Saying how much he liked you. That if he wanted you he would go for it, and there was nothing i could do to stop him. The thought of losing you kills me. I cant ever lose you. I love you too much. Love you to bits, and when he just kept going on and on about you, it was just getting to me. It really was. He started walking towards me and i just hit him. I instantly regretted it but there was nothing i could do. And as much as i didn’t want to fight with him, im not sorry, because i would do almost anything to be with you. I really would. You don’t understand how much you mean to me.” He said.

I was speechless.

He’d hit Joel.

But then, said all that nice stuff and i could see he meant it.

Meant every single word of it.

“What” I said.

It was all i could manage to get out.

“Im so sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. That really is the last thing i wanted. I just wanted a word with him, and he acted like that. Beth, im so sorry.” He said.

He looked like he was about to cry.

“Nath, im ok” i said back to him, hoping he would just shut up a minute so i could properly take it in.

He must of noticed as he just stood there silent.

After a minute or two, he finally spoke.

“Please say something”.

What was i to say.

“Im not mad or upset, just confused. But Nath, you need to understand something. No matter who asked, how much they begged or whatever happened, i would never leave you Nath. I love you so much. No matter what happened, i would never leave you for Joel. You mean way to much to me. You need to understand this. Yeah im not that impressed you both got in a fight, but not because i think your in the wrong, but because you actually thought at one point, id leave you for him. I never would. That would never happen.”  I said back to him.

I saw a small smile appear on his face.

“really?” he said.

“Yes really!, I love you so fucking much Nathan James Sykes, that the thought of just being away from you for 5 minutes is horrible, let alone leave you for good. Joel is nothing compared to you.” I said back to him.

I couldn’t believe how honest i was being with him.

“Im sorry i acted that way. I just couldn’t bare losing you” He said back to me, taking my hands in his.

“You wont ever lose me. You’ll be trying to get away from me first” I said back to him, smirking now.

“We’ll be married before that happens” he said smiling at me.

I couldn’t work out whether it was a joke or not.

It was a little amusing but he looked so serious.

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