Chapter Seventy Five.

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My phone went off and it was Adam.

"What do you mean hes flirting? She flirting back? I want to be there now, but Joel's in a mess x" He'd put.

"I wouldn't say she was flirting back but they look pretty close. Joel ok?x" I text back.

He pretty much instantly text back.

"I'll see what i can do. Could you do me a favour and try keep him away from her till i get there? Nah hes crushed mate xx" He replied.

"Course, i'll do my best. Hurry up xx" I text him back.

How would i do this without it seeming obvious.


Eventhough i was an actual mess right now, i could see Adam was going through so much more.

He looked at his phone and then looked proper agitated.

"whats wrong mate?" i asked him.

He showed me the text.

My eyes scanned across the screen.

"Go mate, Seriously. Get to that gig.I'll drive you there. You have to get her" I said to him.

He said no, but i literally wasn't taking that for an answer.

"Ry, ima drop Adam back to the gig. You alright staying here? Just i don't know where Sophie is right now and we cant really leave her here can we" I said to him.

"yeah, il find her by the time your back" He said.

"We don't have to.." Adam said before i grabbed his arm and dragged him off the sofa. Pushing him towards the van.

"get in" I finally said when we got there.

He didn't fight anymore, but got in the front seat.

For some reason i completely forgot about how depressed i was feeling about Soph, just concentrating on not letting Adam lose her. Lose Carys.

"What you gunna do?" i asked him.

"I dunno, just go in there and be with her. Make sure he realises were together" He said back to me.

You could see he was clearly nervous.

"It'll be fine mate. You know Carys is just wicked friendly. Its probably all him and she hasn't even realised yet or something" I said back to him.

"Yeah, thats true" Adam said back, laughing a little.

She was though. She didn't see an evil side in anyone. Like, most people would be pretty pissed if they saw me and their girl rolling around fighting each other, but Adam knew she was just like that. That she didn't think of anything like that, and it was probably the same thing now.

We got to the gig pretty fast and i wished him luck before he got out the van.

He looked so nervous but you could see the fight in him.

Ready to get her back.


Andy's text had wound me up.

Joel had calmed me down quite a bit since being in the van, saying how it probably was all Jay and the she wouldn't have realised anything was going on, but i still didn't like the fact that Jay was flirting with my girl. That he was trying anything.

I walked up to the front doors and Andy was stood there waiting for me with a ticket.

The guy let me through and Andy started to speak.

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