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Harry's POV

I saw Katie in the hall, I wanted to ask her so many things about this whole fiasco. I asked her if she remembered anything, anything at all.

She shook her head and let out a simple apology. This frustrated me, I mean I just had to know what Draco was conspiring about, and why this whole conspiracy included hurting fellow students. I decided to ask her what happened before she was cursed. She then started to explain everything that she remembered before she got cursed, she was saying that she went to the bathroom at the Three Broomsticks and how someone must have put the imperious curse on her. 

I quickly thanked her before I ran to the common room, there was no time to waste. I let out all that I knew to Ron and Hermione.

"Then it must have been a girl or woman who gave Katie that necklace," Hermione assumed " because she was in the girls bathroom." 

" I see your point, but some one could have used polyjuice potion or something." I suggested. I sighed, this was getting nowhere. I got up and made my way to the door.

" you know what I think I'm going to take the rest of my liquid luck and try the R.O.R again." I said on my way out.
" Harry that's a complete waste of a potion!" Said Hermione as I ran off, ignoring her.

I took a swig of the Felix Felicis, I was hoping it would help, I checked the marauder's map every chance I had. But no matter how hard I tried I still couldn't open up the R.O.R. I just wanted to see what Malfoy is up to!

The next day I tried again, I was so desperate to find Malfoy, that my face was practically glued to the marauders map. For a moment I lost all hope but then a saw Malfoy's tiny labelled dot in front of the boys bathroom.its like he was invisible for the past couple days. That wasnt the only thing that stuck out; he was with moaning Myrtle alone.  On my way to the bathroom the image of the spell in my potions book was flashing in my head: sectumsempra for enemies. Maybe I could use it on Malfoy it won't be to bad right I mean levicorpus is pretty harmless so why wouldn't sectumsempra be? Also I wouldn't really want to hurt Draco he has nice eyes.

i put my smug face on , I was ready to tell him off, I was ready to catch him red handed and then get him expelled! I pressed my ear against the bathroom door, but I heard nothing. So I quietly opened the door, my wand held steadly in my good hand. Draco was standing with his back to the door his knuckles were whitening underneath the pressure he applied as he clutched either side of the grimy sink. his blonde hair was hanging down because of his bowed head. I felt some sort of emotion, I couldn't really find it because I was actually having feelings towards Malfoy, I stood there and myrtle started to talk to the boy.
" Tell me what's wrong I can I can help you."she said softly, as always.

" No no one can help me..."he croaked.

  I was almost scared, was he going mad?  

" I just can't do it... I can't... No it won't work nothing does... He'll- he says he'll kill me I have to do it. I never asked for this! Why me Merlin,  and everyone hates me, Potter hates me, and his ratty little friends too. But GOD why do I have to do this  I- I just can't  I have to Kil-"

Draco stopped talking and he was crying tears were pouring down his perfect pale face. Draco was actually crying. I couldn't help but feel a small jab of pain in my chest as I saw him there, hopeless. Draco gulped then looked up in the cracked mirror, his face dropped  when he saw me over his shoulder. I was deeply in shock that I was rooted in place. I finally realized what was going on and I tried to talk to him.

Before I could say anything he started yelling jinxes at me he missed and I started to fight back.

Am I doing the right thing?

" No No No stop Harry.... Draco... No! Stop" murtyle screamed, which was very out of character for her.

but they were empty words. Draco blurted out "Cruci-" but he couldn't seem to get the word out.

EDIT: hey it's me from present day...anyways I want to reassure you that my writing does in fact improve and the storylines get better. :)

Heheheh I'm leaving this on a cliff Hanger and you're probably wondering wait  how is this DRARRY just wait for part two it will explain better the drarryness (that's not even a word but I don't.... Whatever) well this was my first oneshots omg😱 tell me if you enjoyed it and don't worry I'm working on a part 2 I won't be the evil person I am and leave it on a cliff hanger because this one is missing the drarry vibe. :)

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