He's my every breath

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Can we take a minute to appreciate this Hermione fanart.

Scorpius' POV

Albus and I have been dating for three months now but it feels as though we've been dating for our entire lives. Things have been pretty rocky lately ever since the time turner accident. Something weird happened when we were traveling back into present day and Albus is in the hospital.

I decided to visit my boyfriend, he was getting out of the hospital wing today.
" hey Albus" I said with a huge smile on my face. " I'm so happy you're feeling better..."  I kissed Albus but he didn't kiss back,I was quite confused. " Are you okay?"  Albus started to cry. " is my kissing really that bad?" I tried to lighten up the mood but it wasn't time  for jokes.
" Scorpius, I have to break up with you."
I tried my best to hold back the tears but they slowly escaped. "W-What... W-why? Albus I love you." I felt empty, as though a dementor was in the room. " Because I don't love you." Albus said trying to hold back emotions. " Albus what's gotten into you? You can't leave me I won't let you. Who made you do this?" I said heartbroken
" no one made me do this, you should you're embarrassing yourself." I left, my vision was getting blurry from crying and my head hurt. How could he do this to me?

Albus' POV
I felt terrible, I still love Scorpius but I can't love him, my dad said I couldn't be around him anymore. Why did I just do that, I'm such an idiot. I can't believe I just did that. I just lost my everything.

I decided to go find Scorpius but he was nowhere to be seen. He wouldn't want to talk to me anyways.

Scorpius' POV
I was in the room of requirement with Rose, sure we weren't exactly friends but I had no one else to talk to. She still didn't know why I was crying. " come on just tell me it can't be that terrible."
" Al- Albus  br-broke up w-with me" I started to cry even harder if that was even possible. " HE WHAT!" Rose spat. " well h-he said H-he didn't l-love m-me..." I tried to breathe but it felt as though all the oxygen was sucked out of the room. " I love him so much." 
"How about we go get some pudding from the house elves?" Rose said as if some nice person took over her body. "S-sure."

It has been 3 weeks since Albus broke up with me, three  weeks of restless nights, three weeks of emptiness, three weeks of everything but love. Rose and I have gotten close since the break up, she's mostly there to just listen to me complain but at least I have someone to talk to. " why don't you just move on? it's been three weeks since that heartless git broke up with you."
"Because..." I sighed. " when you love someone that much you can't just move on, you sit there every night in agonizing hope thinking that maybe, just maybe he'll take me back." I love Albus so much but he won't even talk to me let alone look at me.
"Wow Scorpius.... I don't know what to say..."
" I don't either." I sighed again. " maybe you should talk to him, at Hogsmeade tomorrow...I'll ask him to meet me at the three broomsticks, but I won't say you're going."
" Brilliant idea Rose."

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, there where no clouds to been seen, the air smelt of spring... Focus Scorpius! I need to get to the Three Broomsticks on time! I walked to Hogsmeade alone I didn't want Albus to see me with Rose. As I walked into the Three Broomsticks Rose waved her hand. I walked over to the booth. "Hi Rose, when will Albus be here?"
" Soon..." The waitress came with three butterbeers, I sipped on mine impatiently.
" Hey Rose, Hey Scorpius.... SCORPIUS!?" Albus  said a little too loudly. " Look we need to talk." Where the first words I said to him in three weeks.
" look Scorpius It's hard to.." I cut him off.
" I can't un-love you Albus, the least you could do is explain why, why you hurt me this way, I don't know if your hurting too but at least tell me why you broke my heart."
" Scorpius, it was my dad, he said that I couldn't see you anymore, he said that you were a black cloud or something like that, the moment he forbade me to see you, it shattered my heart. I hated myself after I broke up with you, I knew that I made the biggest mistake in my life. I didn't mean what I said I really love you."

Rose's voice was ringing in my head why don't you just move on?
"You couldn't even defend me from your own father, Albus i'm more than a little shocked, actually you know what, I'm not because you always seem to care more about yourself than me or any one for that matter."
"Scorp?" Albus said on the verge of tears.
"No don't Scorp me, Albus, we're done and I never want to see you again."

Hehehheheehehhehehehe I'm still evil. Should I make one with an alternate ending?
Lots of love

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