Please dont go

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Drarry 6th year

All it took was one glance from a certain brunette to make Draco fall in love. In fact he would come close to telling Harry how he actually felt but he couldn't do that now, he had no clue what his future held with the rein of Voldemort. He just couldn't confess his love for someone who is going to die.

They were both sat in the Gryffindor common room, the two sat in silence as Harry was finishing his potions essay which Draco had finished awhile ago. He rested his head in his hand as he rested his elbow against the end of the couch. His mind started to wonder off to the time when Harry realized he was the last Horcrux Draco had been there for every single break down, he didn't want to think about a world without his best friend.

"Draco what's wrong?" Harry asked, Draco didn't even realize that he started to cry.

" Nothing." Draco faked a smile, tears threatening to fall again.

" Draco, don't lie to me, there's something on your mind. Please tell me." Harry placed a comforting hand on Draco's shoulder.

" Harry it's nothing, you shouldn't worry about me, it would be better if you finished your essay, I mean you probably wouldn't want to die without knowing the..." Draco paused to look at Harry's essay.

" the history behind the calming draught." Draco continued trying to change the subject.

" stop trying to change the subject. You can tell me anything, I could never imagine myself hating you." This persuaded Draco to speak up.

" I'm going to miss you, a lot. I promised myself that I wouldn't ruin my life any further." Draco confessed.

" I'm going to miss you too Ferret." Harry said as he wrapped his arms around Draco pulling him in for a hug, he scoffed at the nickname.

Draco didn't really know how to respond to the hug, as much as he loved being in Harry's embrace, he was never used to receiving hugs, so he awkwardly wrapped his arms around Harry's back.

Harry pulled away keeping his hands on Draco's shoulders. " Draco, life is short... I think you should tell me because I want you to be honest with me until the very end."

There was a moment of silence before Draco started to talk.

" Harry James potter, our friendship is the source of my happiness, you are the source of my happiness. Without you life would be so damn cold, even if you are a huge prat. I don't knew what the future holds for me... But I know that my life has changed since you became a part of it. I just wanted to say this before you go... I love you and the fact that I love you kills me because even if you love me back I'll have to live with the constant pain of knowing that I'm going to lose you in the end." Harry stood there not believing what he was hearing, his mouth seemed sewn shut and he was lost for words so instead he took a step forwards.

" Harry... Please say someth-" Draco was cut off by Harry's lips pressed against his own, Draco ran his fingers through the locks of unruly hair, which he had been dying to touch. Harry diminished the space between them and wrapped his arms around Draco waist. As the kiss heated Harry pushed Draco against the wall and snaked his arms around Draco's neck. Much to Harry's surprise Draco pulled away. He rested his head on Harry's shoulder and started to whimper. Harry repositioned himself so now he was hugging Draco.

" Draco, are you okay."

" that was a mistake... I'm sorry." He mumbled into Harry's shoulder

"Dray... What? I kissed you, don't be sorry... I-I love you too." Harry reassured

Harry took a deep breath before speaking again.

" will you be my boyfriend." Harry asked.

" Harry, I love you but I can't." Draco cried.

" why not?"

" you're going to die at the end of all this, I don't want to fall harder for you, just for you to leave me." Draco said, still in Harry's embrace toying with the collar of his shirt.

" well, I don't want to worry about the future. I want to love you." Harry replied bringing his hand to Draco's cheek.

Draco blinked, eyes having drifted down to full lip, he pulled Harry into a kiss full of emotions, it was a goodbye kiss. As much as he loved Harry and as much as Harry loved him he couldn't live life like this, full of anxiety, counting down the days until Harry's last... It wasn't a life he wanted to live, he couldn't.

" Harry I love you but no... I'm sorry." And with all Draco's will power he shut his mind off let go of Harry's embrace, turned around and walked out to the cold corridors.

" Draco!" Harry called, but it was too late, Draco made his decision.

La fin.
So I'm camping rn and it's very boring but I'm leaving tomorrow so that should be fun. Also it really makes my day to read all the comments like seriously it puts a smile on my face.right now I'm going through a lot and I like knowing that some people actually enjoy my writing, it's something that I take a bit of pride in so yeah.... Anyways leave a vote or a comment if you enjoyed :)

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