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Scorbus after all the crazy shit that happened. ( 5th year?)

Albus' POV
Scorpius is having nightmares and restless nights I honestly feel so terrible but I won't lie, I've been having nightmares ever since all the time turner drama, every time that one of us has a nightmare or a panic attack we will just talk until the night becomes day or until we fall asleep. Tonight was one of those nights.

I was almost asleep when I heard noises "Plea-please don't... I no.... STOP!" Scorpius whimpered in his sleep.

Lately my heart breaks every time I see him he hasn't been the same since the accident...

I have always been more protective around Scorpius because he's the only one I have.

Scorpius woke up immediately and started sobbing quietly. I got up from my bed without a second thought and went right to my best friend Scorpius.
"Don't worry I'm here just go back to sleep ok shhhh."
I layed down beside Scorpius to comfort him and I put my arms around him, and wiped the tears off his face with one of my hands and intertwined my fingers in his hair with my other hand. He was starting to calm down even though it seemed as though it was impossible.

" Listen Scorp, it's all over now and I'm here I'll be here for you just fall asleep."
He grabbed my free and and held it tightly. As his grip loosened I only assumed that he was asleep. So I started to get up. " no please stay with me..." Scorpius said softly. " always" I replied and smiled. We stayed like that for the rest of the night. 

When I woke up in the morning the sunlight was illuminating Scorpius' face  he was breathing lightly, he had a bit of drool dribbling down his chin. It was the most beautiful and heartbreaking thing I've ever seen. Without thinking about the consequences mostly just listening to the screaming of my own heart  I closed my eyes and pressed a kiss on his lips.  I pulled away, opening my eyes and he was blinking away the sleep from his eyes. He had a broad grin on his face.

"Um ok hello have we kissed before do we kiss?" I was trying to mock him and I smiled. Scorpius hit me with his pillow. I was expecting it.
" of course" he said
"Albus I don't want to ruin such a happy moment but my nightmares..."
"Yes" I said a bit puzzled
" they were about you, I lost you" he started to tear up  " it was the worst thing ever. I never want you to leave I love you so much"
I pulled him into a soft kiss, I savoured it, every last second.
"I love you too" I declared as I wiped off the remaining tears from his face
" and that will never ever change"

I know it's very short but I thought it was cute and it was inspired  on a post I saw on Tumblr I hope you enjoyed and if you have any requests just DM me ok. Lots of love! :)

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