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I don't know why but I felt like putting a song title for this oneshot the song has nothing to do with the plot but I like the song.

Scorbus 6th year

Trigger warning ( I'm pretty sure, just don't read it if you get easily triggered)

Albus was utterly devastated. His best friend, Scorpius rejected him in the most bitter way possible; calling him terrible things such as 'disgusting'. He then stormed off shortly after which left Albus in pieces. He just knew he shouldn't have confessed his love to his best friend of six years. He thought maybe, just maybe all those secret glances and warm touches Scorpius gave would actually mean something more.

It had been weeks after the accident and Albus wouldn't leave his bed for anything, not to shower, not to eat or attend classes. His days were wasted away in tears. If he felt 'alright' he would take a long shower where his tears would camouflage with the water droplets. He was depressed and he couldn't help it, he just wanted to be gone so he could no longer be a burden to everyone.

He glanced across the room to see an equally sleepy Scorpius emerge from the doors. Scorpius stared worriedly at Albus for what seemed mere seconds before he attempted to rest his tired eyes. Both of the boys laid painfully awake the whole night.

When it was morning Scorpius got ready and left while Albus stayed, sinking deeper into his bed. He shut his eyes only to have visions of Scorpius and everyone whom he loved calling him disgusting, worthless, not enough, squib, disgrace. He opened his eyes, he couldn't take it anymore. He got up with a struggle and made his way to the bathrooms. He let his hand wander under the sink before found a box filled with razors. He knew what he needed to do, he needed to leave... Forever.

He grabbed a razor and brought it to the skin on his forearm, he glanced in the mirror to see an unhealthy thin frame, bags under his eyes, messed hair and tear stained cheeks. Disgusting, worthless, not enough, squib, disgrace. He pressed the razor on skin feeling the cool sensation as blood seeped through the cut and trickled down his arm. Albus didn't even flinch, he looked in the mirror again disgusting, worthless, not enough, squib, disgrace. A lone tear slid down his cheek. He felt like he deserved it all, why stay in a world in which you are not loved.

He pressed deeper into his arm, he would describe it as euphoric. He knew that soon he would be gone and he would finally find his peace. He kept on cutting until the world fell black.

Hey so I'm gonna make a part two to this cause I just can't let it end like this. Also I'm sorry for not posting in a while but since I have no more school and I have nothing to do this summer I'll be posting way more often.

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