Muggle mall

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"Draco we're going to the mall weather you like it or not!"
"Of course I don't want to go! There will be obnoxious muggles there!"
" come on we're leaving." Harry said as he pulled his boyfriend out the door.
" I'd rather get pecked to death by a flock of hummingbirds." Draco whined.
"You are such a drama Queen, seriously I need to buy some jeans."
" why must you wear muggle clothes?"
" Draco, you're wearing muggle clothes right now." Harry pulled Draco onto the sidewalk.
" correction love, I'm wearing your muggle clothes." Draco pecked Harry on the lips.
" we will have fun." He smiled softly.
" I won't count on that...." Harry smacked Draco on the arm playfully.
" you deserved that, you know I'm just trying to have fun on a nice day with my boyfriend." Harry started to walk a bit faster.

They were halfway to the mall when Draco saw a something, but of course he was trying to get on Harry's nerves so he questioned everything. " Haaaaarrrryyyy!"
" yes Draco, love."
" what's the word for that infestation of tiny creatures over there?"
He sighed " those are children Draco, that's a school."
" I knew that." (He did not)
" you have honestly the weirdest definitions for muggle things."
" do not!" Draco protested
" yesterday you called the toaster 'bread murderer" he air quoted the last part.
" fair enough."

After another ten minutes of Draco talking to Harry about strange muggle things they finally made it to their destination, the mall. " finally." Draco sighed.
They both walked into a Calvin Klein store, Draco nervously held on to Harry's hand for he wasn't used to muggle stores. He got his clothes in diagon alley or he wore Harry's clothes. " I'm going to try on these." He said holding two pairs of black skinny jeans with holes in the knees. " No, don't leave me alone... The muggles are staring at me."
" Mabye because you're acting peculiar, besides I'll only be gone for five minutes."
" I'm coming with you." Draco protested
" No, you're not."
" yes I am, it's not like I haven't seen you get changed before."
" Fine!" Harry said annoyed.
They walked hand in hand to the change room, ignoring the strange glares. Harry started to change into the jeans. Draco got up, went behind Harry and whispered. " you look good in those."
He started to kiss Harry's neck. " Draco, I love you and all but this isn't the time or place to be doing this." He said resisting to moan as Draco continued.
Draco grabbed tightly into Harry's arm and apparated back to their flat. Once Harry realized what just happened he wasn't too happy. " Draco! You can't just apparate whenever you want, I haven't even payed for these jeans!" Draco didn't look sorry at all. " well we can't really do anything about it can we."
" No Draco we can't." Harry stated pinching the bridge of his nose.
" the one time I try to bring you shopping, you've turned me into a thief."
" barely." Draco exclaimed sarcastically.
" whatever..." Harry said as he walked to the living room. He sat on the couch, Draco joined him and rested his head on Harry's shoulder. " you still love me right." He said softly. " I do." Harry sighed. " let's continue from where we started." He proceeded to kiss Harry's jawline. " not from where we started, from where you started."
"Same difference." He said between kisses.
Harry moved his face as to where now he was kissing Draco; This made Harry totally forget about the events that just passed.

After awhile of snogging Harry insisted that they watch a muggle movie. Obviously Draco complained the whole time. " I mean there's no way Snow White just happened to stumble upon a cottage in the middle of nowhere that contained dwarfs!"
" aren't you just the sweetest..."
Harry couldn't stop laughing at Draco's comments about the movie." Such an unrealistic love story!"
" whatever Draco.."
" do you think we should go back to the mall I mean my old jeans are still there."
" They can keep them they were rubbish anyways."

Well wasn't that all over the place, it was a draft that I decided to post... I have two other unfinished drafts that I'm debating on posting.

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