Black and white (part two)

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Albus' POV

"Scorpius...I don't know what to say." And at that moment I saw the life leave from his beautiful eyes even if he was not dead. I'm his soulmate, I don't know how to feel about this I mean I didn't think that we could be soulmates. He's always fancied Rose I'm sure of it.
*one week later*
I ran to our common room in search for Scorpius. He was sitting there wrapped up in his blanket facing the wall. He was sobbing I felt miserable.
" He-Hey Scorpius." He flinched but didn't say a word.
"Scorpius please talk to me, I'm sorry for whatever I did talk to me p-please." I begged.
"Just leave..." He mumbled, he got up to leave the room but I grabbed his arm.
" we need to talk."
" Albus.... Just leave."
" look at me." He kept his head bowed "I'm not leaving because I don't hate you, you're my best friend, my everything. Scorpius I will admit I was quite confused why I would be your soulmate I honestly thought. He deserves better because you do. You deserve someone who should've told you the moment that they saw colour that it was you, you the whole time. I think, no I know that I'm in love with you." Scorpius looked up at me, steel blue met emerald green, he leaned in for what I thought was a kiss but instead he whispered. " fate can be wrong." He let go of me and left. " S-Scorpuis....please don't leave. I'm sorry." I said as tears welled in my eyes. But I was just saying empty words as he left without a look back.

I just stood there in shock, what is going on? I finally regained the ability to walk after what seemed like hours and made my way out of the dorms. I swiftly made my way down the halls making sure Lily didn't spot me (practically) crying, I mean she probably wouldn't do anything but still. I went to the library in hope that Scorpius would be there. I spotted the blonde sitting at a table writing something in a journal.
" Scorpius come on." I croaked as warm tears streamed down my face.
He didn't budge.
" Don't ignore me.... Please." I sobbed.
" Albus I'm busy doing something, you can leave." He said stiffly as a tear escaped his eyes.  " I love you so much Scorpius, what is going on with you?" He looked up with regret in his eyes. " what is going on with you?" I repeated.
" You should be asking yourself the same question." He quickly turned back to his work. " I can't believe this Sc-Scorp, you've changed. I didn't mean to wait a week to talk to you."
" Al-Albus I'm sorry but I can't love you."
He declared without looking at me because if he did his response might have been less cruel as I was a mess, in tears, broken.
" It's not that you can't, it's that you won't. You won't love me back. I need you and you know damn well that you need me."
I walked away leaving no time for an answer.

I don't know what's going on and why this happened, As much as it hurts I still love Scorpius, I always will, even if he doesn't love me back.

*A Week later* (because I'm too lazy to write a long chapter)
I was sitting in potions class beside Scorpius, he looked as pale as ever, he was an emotional wreck as was I. I didn't want to be in class today but I already skipped class for the past three days. Today we were brewing draught of the living death which was very difficult to make. It required a lot of team work which I wasn't looking forward too.

" could you pass me the knife please." I said as politely as possible.
"Here." Was the first thing he said to me in almost two weeks.
He slammed the knife beside me. I didn't bother to say anything. I went to grab an ingredient and I made the caldron spill.
" Nice going." Scorpius scoffed.
" I'm so so sorry."
" Well sorry doesn't fix everything does it, I mean the potion is still in the floor it's not back in the caldron because you said sorry!" He obviously wasn't just talking about the potion, this was anger he had been holding in for a while.

The professor was not pleased, she flicked her  wand and the mess was gone. (Heheheheheh rhyming skillz) " detention for the both of you, come to my office at 7 pm!"
" thanks a lot!" Scorpius mumbled as he grabbed his things and left class.
I sighed. I have to sit through 5 more painful periods of class without being able to talk to my best friend. I didn't like this new emotion, emptiness.

It was finally seven o clock for once in my life I was excited for detention, because I would be able to see Scorpius and he is forced to talk to me. I arrived at the Professor Clearwater's office.
" Hello..." Scorpius was already sitting there like I knew he would be, he liked to be punctual. " Hello Mr.Potter, please take a seat." I did as she said.  " Today you and Scorpius will be cleaning caldron sand stations, without magic, usually I clean it but your behaviour has been unacceptable."
" Yes professor." We said in unison.
She handed us the cleaning supplies and we proceed to scrub the stations. "Albus..." I looked up, I saw his desperate expression watching me. "Yes." I replied immediately.
" I'm sorry... For being a jerk, it killed me to say all those rude things, I do love you and I mean it, these past couple of weeks have made no sense. I'm just scared to fall in love with you. I don't want to lose you, I guess I shut you out because I felt it was easier than giving you the burden of loving me, deep down I knew when I would see the world as vibrant and beautiful as it is now, that it would be because of you."

I walked up to him and placed my hand on his cheek, déjà vu, emerald green and Steel blue met our eyes exploring each other. I leaned in and out lips met, the world fell away, it was just Scorpius and I. Our lips moving in perfect sync as they were designed to be together forever. My arms were wrapped around his waist, his arms snaked around my neck, It was fate after all. I explored his mouth, it tasted like home; warm, welcoming with a hint of cinnamon. I broke the kiss for air, I rested my forehead against his, our breaths were hitched. " I'm sorry for all the times when I didn't love you." He said looking into my eyes.
" the past is in the past, ( let it gooooo, let it goooo... I'll stop) you love me now and that's all that matters."
" I love you Albus Potter."
"And I love you too Scorpius Malfoy." He pulled away from my embrace.
" I think we should continue to clean, I don't want to get in worse trouble."  He said.
I laughed. " I can just imagine the wrath of professor Clearwater." I pretended to shoot lasers from my eyes, causing Scorpius to laugh. We continued to clean until it was spotless, Scorpius insisted that it had to be. Once we were done we walked hand in hand down the hallways Scorpius head rested upon my shoulder, when we got into our dorms we cuddled in bed together.

* a few months later....*
It was graduation day at Hogwarts today, my life couldn't get any better. "Hey babe, what shirt should I wear the black one or the grey one?" I started to chuckle.
" I don't see what's so funny about this."
" Scorpius, I don't think it really matters were all going to be wearing graduation robes anyways."
" I just want everything to be perfect, my dads going to be there and Mums not..." A tear fell down his face.
" Don't worry Scorpius you're perfect, and everything will perfect because you will make it like that, you're dad is really proud of you I know that and you mom is proud of you even if she's not there, she'll always be here." I put my hand on his chest. " I love you so much and that's all that matters." I pulled him into a sweet kiss and hugged him. " I love you too." He whispered. After we got dressed we made our way to the great Hall, I reassured him that everything would be fine as headmistress Mcgonagall called his name. After the ceremony his dad came up to me.
" I want to thank you Albus, for taking good care of my son I know that you love him and he loves you too, just keep on taking care of  him at all costs."
" I do love him Mr.Malfoy, and I'll do everything and anything I can for him."
Scorpius came beside me and wrapped his arm around my waist. " Hey Albus..." He pecked me on the cheek. " Hey Dad, what were you guys talking about?"
" You, of course." Mr Malfoy said.
" and how much I love you." I added looking in his beautiful blue eyes.
" well I'll leave you boys alone... I am very proud of you two by the way."
" bye Dad."
"Bye Mr.Malfoy."
" I need to ask you something very important..." I sighed.
" go ahead."
" I was wondering if you wanted to maybe move in with me?"
" why is that even associated with a question, I would love to." Scorpius said.

I knew he loved me, but I felt a sense of relief wash over me when he said yes.  "I love you, so much, you dork." I laughed, before pulling him into a kiss. The kiss tasted like cotton candy and a breath of fresh air, he was the one for me, forever and always. 

Scorpius smiled into the kiss, pulling himself closer to me. " I love you too, idiot." 

If you guys read this when it had a sad ending, no you didn't.

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