I just can't...

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It has been three whole long, excruciatingly boring and lonely months since Albus has seen his boyfriend, Scorpius. Today was September first, the day Albus had been impatiently waiting for. He and Scorpius did communicate during the summer but it wasn't the same as holding him or talking about their passions or the twinkle in Scorpius eyes when Albus says 'I love you'.

He stood on the pavement in platform nine and three quarters balancing on the ball of his feet. He waited for Scorpius looking at his watch every five minutes but Scorpius didn't show up.

Albus disappointingly walked into the Hogwarts express. He made his way toward their usual compartment. Just before he slid open the door he heard soft sobs causing him to immediately go in. The sight made his heart fall to his stomach, Scorpius was sitting on the seat with his knees to his chest and his head bowed. Albus pulled Scorpius onto his chest without a second thought.

Holding back tears himself he started to talk "Hey, Scorpius... It's okay just tell me what's wrong, who did this to you?" He placed a finger under the blondes chin and tilted his head up, only to see red puffy eyes, messy hair and a blotchy complexion. He pressed a soft kiss against Scorpius unusually chapped lips. " come on you can tell me, I love you, everything will be okay." He sympathized. Scorpius let out a shaky breath. " they write things on my school things a-and they y-yell at m-me, push me, k-kick me, tease me... Just because of a rumour a s-stupid rumour." He started to cry again. "T-they think I'm V-voldemort's son and I just can't anymore, I just can't take it." Albus had no idea why people would do such cruel things to such a kind, sweet, amazing person who definitely was not Voldemorts son. He pulled Scorpius closer wiling to never let him go. He inhaled the minty sent of his hair.
" Scorpius, those people are terrible. They are bloody gits, if they knew you, how kind you are and selfless, they would have never done anything because they judged a book by its cover. I love you so much Scorpius and that's all you need, you need me and I need you."

Scorpius looked at the hurt in the brunettes eyes and let out an I love you too. After Scorpius finally calmed down he started to kiss Albus properly, like he had been waiting to do since the beginning of summer break. they continued to kiss, slow, gentle and sweet, their noses bumping and their heads tilting every so often. An I missed you so much escaped Scorpius's lips between kisses in which Albus replied with more toe curling kisses. I missed you more...
Not possible.

Two updates in one dayyyyyy well they are extremely short but I can't seem to have ideas that would make oneshots with at least 1k words sooooooo if you awesome people have any ideas at all just message me please.

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