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"Harry come in the living room," Draco called.
You see, most couples make decisions together, about potentially life changing or at least schedule changing situations. But this was not the case. How could Draco say no to a little furball staring into his souls whilst he was shopping in diagon alley?

So maybe didn't quite think this through, but you know, 'yolo' as the kids say. So here we are, in a situation.

Draco sits in the living room with a kitten in his lap, awaiting the reaction of his boyfriend.

"What babe?" Harry replies, not really paying attention. More focused on the book he's reading, then whatever's going on in the living room.

"Oh bloody hell! just come here,"

Harry put his book down with a sigh  and stepped out of the shared bedroom, making his way to the living room.
"Okay I'm here-" the brunette started, then stopped as soon as he saw the little creature in his lovers lap.

"Fluffy little devil isn't she?" Draco said to break the silence.

Harry sat down beside Draco on the red sofa, draping and arm around his boy. He used his free hand to pet the little orange kitten.

"You should've asked me first," Harry tried to protest, but couldn't help but stay soft as the kitten purred.

" She was so cute,  I couldn't just leave her there."  Draco looked over at Harry, smiling. " her name is ginger by the way." Draco added.

"You are just so full of surprises." Harry smiled, before kissing Draco softly.

"But you love me for it." Draco replied.

"I do."

And he really did.

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