......But his heart was beating for someone else (part two)

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Draco's POV

" Why do you want to sabotage Potters relationship with Ginny?" Pansy asked In a confused tone.
" I know that you hate him and all, but since when do you care about who he's dating?"
Since he's become the love of my life! I thought to myself
" no more questions pansy! Now what can I do?"
" I dunno polyjuice potion, maybe?"
" Brilliant idea, okay so you get hair from the she devil and I'll get the ingredients." I said happily
" I still don't know why you're so upset about this Draco."
" shut up just go get the hair." I said impatiently.

I walked out of the common room and right to Snapes office. Luckily Snape was not there, I got all the ingredients for the potion and rushed back to the common room I started to make the potion it was surprisingly very easy to make. (I know it takes a month to brew and that it's really hard to make but whatever) pansy came back from the mission.
" Are You sure that this is her hair? Because it's quite curly."
" Yes Draco I got it off her robes."
I felt uneasy but I knew I had to do this.
I put the hair inside of the cauldron and it started to bubble violently. I breathed in and out. I drank the vile liquid, I really wanted to vomit but I stayed strong. It felt as though someone was ripping off my skin it was lot of pain, I got shorter my hair was long and bushy, my lips got bigger, my chest got fuller and my teeth were more pronounced.... No...no I'm hermione!!!
" Pansy you annoying git!"
"Wha- oh Draco I didn't know I'm very sorry."
"I don't need your stupid apologies just give me the gryffindor robes."
I put the robes on and it felt as if I was betraying the whole wizarding community.  But I had to find out about all the rubbish that's going on one way or another.

I started to walk down the hallway and Harry was walking with the she devil's brother.
" Hello Pott-Harry!" I said in my most convincing Hermione voice.
" weren't you just in the library?"
Ron asked
" I was, wasn't I."
"So what's up?" Harry asked
" I need to talk to you.... Alone."
" one second Ron."
Ron looked upset.
" Why are you dating Ginny!?" I said before Harry could even get a word out of his mouth.
" Don't act stupid Hermione, you know why, I told you."
" I don't think I do, do you love Ginny?"
" I think everyone in this school except for Ginny knows that I don't love her."
" And you're dating her because..."
" You know that I'm trying to make someone jealous... Anyways could you read my potions essay it needs to be corrected."
" are you feeling alright? you're looking quite pale." Harry asked concerned.
Shit! The potion is wearing off...
" got to go such a shame" I started to run towards my common room.
" 'Mione where are you going!" Harry yelled but I was long gone.

Two can play at this game...
" Hey pansy do you want to be my girl- girlfriend?" I loathed the thought of dating pansy, or any other girl.
" I would love to!"
" Oh don't get your hopes up, I need to make potter jealous." Oh god I did not just say that.
" I mean -I-I..."
" Does somebody have a crush on The Famous Harry Potter?"
" Me? No I... He... Just, well.... SHUT UP OKAY!" I said angrily
" so you will be my  'girlfriend'?" I air quoted the last part.
" I will if you tell me one thing"
" What!?"  Pansy is being such a bitch right now.
" You have to be honest, do you like Harry?"
" Fine, yes Pansy of course I like him, bloody hell  I'm in love with the guy and there's a slight chance that he might like me back therefore be a good person and help me get Harry back!"
"So what's the plan?"
" to be honest I didn't think I would get this far..."

It's was the next day and  I was sitting beside pansy in the great hall.
" quick Harry's looking kiss me"
She pecked me on the lips, I noticed that Harry looked kind of heartbroken. I was about to be late for potions but apparently I wasn't the only one. Harry ran into me.
" Watch where you're going." I tried to say as calmly as possible.
" Oh shove off Malfoy!"
We both got into the class room before it was too late, I was Harry's potions partner and it's very unfortunate because he's terrible at potions.

" Today one person of the two will be making a mystery potion and the other partners has to guess what it is." Snape said in his usual cold deep voice.
" It cannot be a lethal potions if someone does make one they shall be expelled!"
" I'm making the potion, you are terrible at this and I don't really trust you with my life in your hands."
" why should I trust you?" Harry said
" Because if I were to kill you I wouldn't do it in potions class, I wouldn't want to kill you in the first place."
" I highly doubt that but whatever, less work for me."

I grabbed all the ingredients to make Amortentia ( idk how to spell it) obviously since Harry is clueless about anything that regards potions he didn't recognize the ingredients. I was almost done making it, class was almost done but I can't rush perfection.... I added the last ingredient and I was finally done.
" Malfoy did you even brew a potion or did you just make your cologne."
" I um Harry."
" what?"
Before Harry had the chance to figure out what type of potion I made, it was time to leave. I decided to slip a note inside Harry's bag that said: Harry the potion I made was amortentia. Who are you trying to fool?" I didn't sign my name at the bottom because I'm pretty sure he would remember what just happened. He pretty much just confessed his love for me to my face. It was going to be an eventful day.

I will be posting part 3 in 2-3 hours so stay tuned also I might make some sad oneshots ( just thought I should let you know)
Lots of love

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