...But his heart was beating for someone else (part one)

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So I'm re-posting these, I had mixed thoughts about it because my friend said they weren't good so I deleted them but I like it and that's all that matters.
Draco's POV

I Draco Malfoy am in love with Harry Potter, I know the feeling's not mutual heck he's probably not even gay, but a boy's gotta dream right? I love everything about him not because he's the boy who lived. I love him because he's Harry, I know that I've been such a horrible person to him but that's how I was raised.

" heard the news have you?" Pansy said in her usual annoying voice
" No, what's going on?"
" Potter's got a girlfriend, I mean who would even want to dat-"
" Girlfriend what do you mean?"
" Well Draco when two people lov-"
" who is he dating?" I answered angrily I mean who is foolish enough to date MY Harry!
"Well..." Pansy started
" Nevermind!" I said losing my patience.
I would find out myself, I got off the couch and left the common room.

I was enraged! Harry is meant to be mine, no one else's! I was practically sprinting down the hallway until I saw it, her, the she devil herself Ginny weasley. Out of all the people HER! When Harry saw me his grip tightened on to Ginny's hand.

It was almost time for DADA class and fortunately and unfortunately I have it with the gryffindorks. We were practicing blocking spells. Of course I was paired up with none other than Harry.
" Out of all the people I could've been with, my day had to get ruined!" I whined
" Whatever Malfoy."
The professor was telling us what to do, most of the students did as the professor said, but it was a different story for Harry and I. The professor left the room.
" levicorpus"
I blocked him
" is that the best you've got?" I said with pride.
" you wish" he said confidently.
It turned out to be a full on duel but we were having fun.
" Hey potter doesn't this remind you of the good old days?" I said as I blocked a jinx.
" Oh you mean practically every day? We fight all the time, Malfoy!" It broke my heart when the realization hit. Stop dreaming Draco he'll never be yours
" Not true.... STUPIFY!"
The professor came back and his face was shocked.
" what are you doing! Are you trying to get someone killed? 50 points from Slytherin and Gryffindor!"

Class was done, I was finally free, Ginny bumped into me and ran for Harry. She wrapped he stupid arms around Harry's neck.
" I missed you sooooo much!" She said in that bitch man stealing voice of hers.
She started to kiss him but he was reluctant.
" I was gone for an hour." Harry said flatly
" longest hour of my life!" Ginny said
I could tell Harry was obviously not happy, but why not? I walked by them and Harry started to snog Ginny. What the hell he hated her just five seconds ago!
I needed to figure out what was going on, and soon!

Hello my people
This story will probably have three parts I just really needed to update I'll be posting part 2 and (maybe) 3 if there will be a part three. It's kinda funny how I decided that the title would be something so meaningful but the story is all over the place. ( that was random) also should I make some sad oneshots because I feel like all of my oneshots are the same. Sorry for misspelling the spells but I don't remember how to spell some of them.
Lots of love

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