Only for you

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"Scorpius we need to talk." Albus stated firmly as he hesitated to look Scorpius in the eyes.

"Sure love, is everything alright?" Scorpius asked only hoping for the best.

"These past couple of weeks haven't been the same...I guess and I don't know what we are anymore and I just don't know how this is going to work." Albus said, trying not to let any conflicting emotions loose.

"Wha-What do you mean?" Scorpius questioned, hoping Albus was just messing around.

"I just...I don't think I love you anymore..."

"But Al, I thought things were going great between us, I love you...I don't understand we're in love and something like that doesn't change overnight." Scorpius said

"Well I just don't feel the same, I'm sorry Scorp but I just can't do this."

"Al pl-please don't do this." Scorpius was trying his hardest not to break down and cry, it was taking every fibre of his being. A lone tear slipped down his face as he saw the love of his life walk away forever, leaving with a simple "goodbye"

Scorpius woke up in cold sweat in the dead of night. It was just a dream, it was just a dream. He reassured himself, but that didn't stop him from crying, he couldn't stand all these nightmares that tortured him each night, showing him the absolute worst.

Scorpius was nowhere close from calming down, until he felt arms wrap around him and pull him back to the bed. "It's okay, I'm here, it's alright, just focus on my voice and everything will be alright." Albus whispered soothingly.

Scorpius was ashamed of his nightmares and he definitely didn't want to burden Albus with the thought but he had to tell him sooner or later.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Albus asked, as he twirled his fingers in Scorpius's platinum locks.

Scorpius turned so that he was now looking Albus in the face, as hard as it was to look him in the eyes, he did. "I get these nightmares almost every night and they're mostly about losing you..." Scorpius said but soon stayed silent.

Albus leaned in and pressed a long kiss on Scorpius's lips, "hey look at me." Albus said tilting Scorpius's chin up. " I'm not going to leave you because I love you too much to hurt you like that." Albus reassured Scorpius.

Scorpius smiled. "I love it when you smile, you know that." Albus said, now bringing a hand to his boyfriends cheek.

" then I guess I should keep smiling then."

"For me?" Albus asked

"Only for you." Scorpius replied.

So please don't kill me, I know I've been gone for a long while and I'm not making any excuses because honestly I'm just fucking lazy and I never have inspiration butttttt on the other hand I've been gone so long that we hit 12k reads WHAT EVEN!!!!!! Ahhhhhh im so happy btw I'm working on Instagram-Drarry part two annnndddd I have to die part two (which is very overdue) sooooooooo please leave a vote or a comment if you enjoyed. Byeee

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