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Harry's POV (6th year)

It was a cold autumn night, usually on these cold nights if be in the Slytherin dorms cuddling with Draco but he wasn't in the mood so I stayed in my own bed. I had this weird feeling that something was wrong, Draco has been acting very distant lately. He's changed over the summer. I grabbed my invisibility cloak and decided to go down to the Slytherin dorms to see if Draco was okay. When I got there Blaise was sitting on the couch. " Hey is um Draco in his room?" I asked politely, Draco's friends were definitely not my friends; we've established that. " No he said he went for a walk he looked pretty shaken up." The weird feeling that I was feeling came back " thanks for letting me know." I knew something was wrong. I quickly pulled my cloak over my shoulders. I knew exactly where he would be: the Astronomy tower, he went there often when he needed some alone time.

I ran up the stairs they felt never-ending. And that's when my heart shattered into millions of tiny pieces, Draco was standing on the ledge of the tower. I quickly walked towards him trying not to startle him, I put my arms around his shaking body and pulled him off the ledge. I pulled him into my chest and put my arms around him so that he wouldn't leave. He was trying to pull me off of him but the last thing I would do is let go. I pulled him to the ground and he laid in my arms. I couldn't bare to look at his face, it was all so devastating.

" Draco, it's okay I'm here you're safe with me just stay in my arms." He sobbed into my chest. " I-I can't do this anymore H-Harry. I n-need to die" Draco barley managed to get out. " why?" I said barely holding back the tears. " I-you won't love me anymore." " Draco I will love you no matter what just tell me please."
" I got it, I g-got the m-mark" yes I'll admit I was kind of upset, but I couldn't bare to see Draco like this. " Draco it's not the best thing that's happened but you have me, and that's all you need. You need to stay because if you leave, I will leave. Nobody can replace you. I really love you Draco and an ugly tattoo isn't going to change that." Draco looked up at me with his red puffy eyes " I need you to stay and I know that you can do that for me." At this point tears were streaming down my face.
" Harry, promise that you'll never leave me." I gently put my hand on his cheek. " I promise." I kissed him softly and intertwined my fingers with his, we got up and returned to the Slytherin dorms.
"Come on Draco let's go to sleep." He went into his bed and I did the same. Pulled him into my chest and rubbed circles on his back. I didn't sleep that night but I had to make sure that Draco would stay.

My writing is complete shit, but I have nothing better to do soooooo yeah.

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