Empty classrooms

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This one will probably be short.
"Hermione! I think Harry's in trouble." Ron yelled as he walked out of his dorm with marauders map in his hands.  " what now Ron?" Hermione rolled her eyes for they were fighting earlier. " look." He shoved the marauders map in her face. " I don't see the problem with this." She crossed her arms. " Harry's dot is right beside Malfoy's, they're very close... He might be hurting Harry!"

They walked in the hallways to their usual charms class which was abandoned on the weekends. They walked with their wands out Ron stayed behind Hermione. " come on," she whispered yelled.  They heard grunting and panting.  " he's definitely in trouble," Ron pushed the door open. " I'm here to save you m-" he was frozen. " Ron are you okay?" Hermione walked in only to see Harry and the taller blonde Slytherin violently making out. The two Gryffindors were rooted in shock as they still could not believe their eyes.

Draco saw what was going on and immediately stopped kissing Harry. " Um Harry you're friends." Harry stopped kissing Draco's neck. " what do you mean." ( when you nod you head yes but you wanna say no what do you mean..... Ok I'll go home) Harry turned around and blushed madly. " you....Malfoy!" Was the only thing Ron was able to say. Harry then proceeded to push Ron and Hermione out of the room and closed the door shut. He started to laugh. " You're seriously laughing right now!?"  Harry had to catch his breath. " Merlin..." Draco rolled his eyes. He then walked over to Harry and put his arms around his waist. " I think we have some explaining to do." Harry turned around to kiss Draco. " Later..."

I know I should've updated sooner and I probably should've made a long one for the lack of updating... But I have terrible and I mean terrible writers block I honestly have Zero, zilch, notta no ideas. If you have any ideas feel free to message me.

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