"Just friends"

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"Are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend it's our first trip this year?!" Scorpius grinned as he walked into the common room.

" Look Scorp, I hate to be annoying.." Scorpius rolled his eyes "but." He huffed.

" But I really won't enjoy it and I don't want to ruin your fun." Scorpius pouted dramatically a gave Albus sad eyes.

" come on please, for me." He placed his hand in Albus's which filled his body with warmth, he had a smile on his previously annoyed face.

" fine I'll go but just for a bit." The edges of Scorpius's lips curled up.
" yes... It's a date I'll see you on Saturday." He left the room. After Scorpius realized what he just said he came running back.
" Not like a date, date I j-just as friends of course see ya Scorpius I-I mean Albus geez I'm so awkward." Albus smiled half heartedly.
" it's okay Scorp." His ' smile' vanished as Scorpius left the room. He just sat there thinking of everything they could've been or could be.
" Wake up!" Scorpius jumped onto Albus causing him to groan. " Seriously... Ugh." He put a pillow over his face. " I'm still tired." He mumbled through the pillow. Scorpius pulled the pillow from Albus' face. Albus squinted his eyes as the sun poured from the windows. When his eyes adjusted to the light he looked up at Scorpius who was still sitting on Albus, his legs were on either side of Albus's hips Albus couldn't help but stare at Scorpius's lips I mean Scorpius was just so close but they were just friends that's all. Albus playfully pushed Scorpius off and got up.

" Hey." Albus said groggily.
" Hey." Scorpius replied softly.

It only took Albus ten minutes to get ready which surprised him, on normal weekends he wouldn't be waking up at nine and he most definitely would not be going to Hogsmeade.

"I'm Ready." Albus called to Scorpius.

The weather was rather nippy outside so Scorpius made sure he wore a cozy wool jumper but clueless Albus wore a thin cotton jumper. Scorpius wrapped his arm around Albus but only because Albus was complaining about being cold.

Scorpius couldn't help but notice the blush that crept upon Albus's face... No "just friends... Just friends." Scorpius thought to himself.

He immediately let go of Albus as he saw the school bully approach, Scorpius was hoping that he would be left in peace but this wasn't the case.
" fags." Jonathan whispered underneath his breath. " What did you say." Albus push Scorpius away.
" Albus please come on just ignore them." Jonathan laughed. " you should listen to your idiot boyfriend." He spat.
" He's not an idiot!" Albus was enraged.
" Oh but he's still your boyfriend right? have a nice date, fags." Albus just lost it, as Jonathan walked away Albus turned him around and punched him in the face hearing a crack as he did so; he wasn't too sure if it was his own hand or the other boys nose. He walked towards Scorpius, he had no idea he was even capable of that, he wouldn't let anyone hurt Scorpius even if they were just friends.

He saw the concern in Scorpius's eyes, his whole face portrayed the emotion.
"Are you okay?" Scorpius lightly grazed the brunettes hand, he winced. " I'm fine... L-lets just go and enjoy our day okay."

The continued walking until they reached the three broomsticks. Albus absentmindedly opened the door for Scorpius. They both sat in a booth facing each other. " You shouldn't have done that..." Scorpius stretched his arm for Albus's unharmed hand, there goes the warm butterfly feeling. " I knew you were going to say that." Albus smiled.

Scorpius wasn't smiling. " you could've got badly hurt, what he said was wrong but..." Scorpius was cut off by Albus.
" what!? But I should've just ignored him and let him say all those idiotic, offensive things. To hell if I got hurt! He deserved that in every way." Albus protested.

" Well at least he is just lying, I mean we're just friends so he has no reason to be such a prat." Scorpius saw the hurt in Albus's eyes and immediately regretted his choice of words.
" Sure." Albus got up and left before they even had a chance to order.

Scorpius ran after him. "Albus! What are you doing come back." Albus turned around his lip trembled, and his eyes but burned as he tried to keep his tears at bay.

" 'Just friends?' Huh well 'just friends' don't steal secret glances at each other 'just friends' don't get jealous when the other one talks to someone else 'just friends' don't get butterflies from each other. "Just friends ' don't hold each other like that. just friends?" Albus had tears slowly crawling out of his eyes but he wiped them before they fell.

"Albus I-I....."
Albus shook his head biting his bottom lip. " that's what I thought." He then ran off leaving a speachless Scorpius all alone.

{later that day}
Scorpius did try to get Albus back the events that passed that afternoon. He waited a couple of hours before talking to Albus knowing that Albus preferred to be alone when he was upset. He walked into the dorm room, Albus's back was facing Scorpius.
" Hey Al, we should talk." Albus turned to Scorpius. he had a tear stained face and red puffy eyes, He never wanted Scorpius to see him like this; broken. Scorpius sat beside him and pulled him close.

 " you don't want to talk to me, I've probably grossed you out 'cause I'm just a dumb fag right?" ( I hate writing those words, I'm so sorry)

"Albus you aren't, I don't ever want you to say that about yourself again... I hate seeing you like this and Do you really think that I would think so low of you... You're not gross because you like guys. Bloody hell I'm gay too if you haven't realized from the six years of our friendship..." Scorpius gave one last look before he decided to

Make a possibly life changing move. He tilted his head to kiss the other boy Albus smiled against Scorpius lips almost refusing to believe this was real, Scorpius tasted of the rays of sun peaking out of the clouds on a stormy day, he tasted warm like home. Albus didn't want it to ever end he pulled Scorpius on top of him bringing him close, diminishing all the space between them. His hands running from the back of Scorpius head to his back. Scorpius was kissing like he needed Albus. every little detail. They finally pulled away for air and Scorpius rested his head on Albus's chest. He looked up  " don't ever leave me okay?" He said between heavy breathing.
" I wasn't planning on it." He replied catching his breath. " Hey Al I don't want to be just friends anymore."
" me neither."

*doesnt post in forever and gives you guys this shit*  I also wanted to say sorry for using those terrible terms I'm really sorry but it was that guys character. But most of all I hope you enjoyed.

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