Remember me

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Warning sad as fuck

Harry woke up in the middle of the night, his husband Draco was not by his side which was very unusual for they would sleep together every night unless Harry had work he had to do. Harry got out of bed, he wandered all around their flat but he was nowhere to be seen. He went to the bathroom just to see if he was in there, he wanted to make sure the love of his life was okay.

As he opened the door he saw the most heartbreaking thing, Draco was on the floor covered in blood his face was paper white and his lips were turning blue. Harry saw a razor in his limp right hand."No..... No Draco...." He cupped his face with his hands. " You need to wake up.... I love you." Tightly grabbed his bleeding arm and apparated to St.Mungos. " PLEASE HELP!" He screamed. Healers ran up to Draco's limp cold body and took him from Harry's arms." I love you." Harry said in a broken tone. " please wait here we will do everything we can for your husband." He gave Harry a reassuring nod.

Harry sat down in the waiting room, his whole body was shaking. His hands were covered in blood. Why did he do this? Was this my fault? I love him so much. Harry thought to himself. A Healer came into the room. "Mr.Malfoy-Potter?" Harry immediately got up from his seat. " Is he okay?" Harry said only hoping for the best. " We did everything we could, but there was too much blood loss, he's gone."
"No....No.....this is all my fault." Harry said. Tears were sliding down his face.
" You did everything you could. Don't blame this on yourself, now come with me." The healer brought Harry to a small room Draco was laying on the bed he looked almost as he was sleeping. Harry rushed to his side. He intertwined his fingers with Draco's cold limp hands." I love you much." He sobbed into Draco's chest. " that will never change even if you're here or not." He placed a soft kiss onto Draco's pale forehead. The healer came back in the room with Draco's wedding ring and engagement ring. " Here are his possessions, I hate to say this but it's time for you to go." Harry reluctantly moved away from Draco's side. He took the ring, gave one more glance at Draco and apparated back to their flat, his flat.

Harry went into the bedroom and changed into one of Draco's jumpers and jogging pants, He lifted the collar of the jumper to his nose, it faintly smelt of his lover. Harry collapsed onto the bed and grabbed their wedding picture. Memories came crashing back, he remembered them dancing in the middle of the night in their backyard because Draco was bored, he remembered when Draco got upset about the maroon curtains so they had to go to the store and buy green ones, he remembered the first time Draco told him that he loved him, he remembered Draco tearing up when he said his vows, he remembered the passionate kiss they shared on their wedding day. Harry couldn't believe that he was gone. Why now? We were supposed to grow old together. Harry thought to himself.

He walked to the bathroom and something caught his eye a folded piece of paper that had Harry's name written on the back. He unfolded the paper, there were several tear smudges on it which made Harry cry. He began to read.
Dear Harry,
I love you so much and I'm sorry I had to leave so soon, but I had too. Remember me okay? I want you to remember the smell of my hair, the taste of my lips, the warm feeling of my body against yours, my eyes, my laughter, the way I said I love you. I really want you to remember me and how you mean so much to me. But as those memories fade when you can't remember the smell of my hair, the taste of my lips, the warm feeling of my body against yours, my eyes, my laughter, the way I said I love you. I need you to let go, I will always love you but once those memories fade I need you to let go, find someone that will make you happy. I'm sorry I left you in the worst way I love you, I love you, I love you so much Harry.

Harry read the note over and over again hoping for something more out of the note. He clutched the note closely to his chest and walked back to his room. He laid his shaking body down on Draco's side of the bed. " I will remember you until I stop breathing." Harry whispered for his own comfort. The two lovers were soon reunited in the afterlife where they spent their eternity together.

I. Don't. Even. Know. I'm sorry for the bad ending. I'm really terrible at writing sad ones.

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