More than a one night stand

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Draco Malfoy woke up on the wrong side of the right bed. His head was thumping uncontrollably, he had a major hangover it was the result from the night prior all he could remember was getting absolutely wasted with a group of 8th years.
He turned to his side and he couldn't possibly believe his eyes when he saw a mop of messy brown locks beside him. He had a one night stand with Harry Potter... and the worse part was he didn't remember any minute of it.

The only thing he new for sure is that he definitely bottomed feeling the slight discomfort as he sat up. He turned around one more time and watched Harry sleep and breathe softly, creepy I know, but It brought some peace to Draco's busy mind. He stood up with tremendous effort to go find his missing robes. Of course, since he fell asleep naked. He was about to leave but he felt he should do something before he did go, so he pressed a soft kiss on to the brunettes lips he then made his departure.

Harry woke up to a cold bed. His head throbbed as he sat up a little too swiftly. He knew he had a one night stand judging the difference in the atmosphere of Harry's room. The worst part is he remembered every last minute.

He groggily got his school robes on, not even bothered to put put on his tie nor to fix his hair. He made his way to the great hall for breakfast. He sat beside his best friends Ron who was currently stuffing his mouth and Hermione who was drowning in books. After the war Hermione wanted to continue her studies and Ron gladly obliged to return seeing that his girlfriend and his best friend were taking up their 8th year.

Harry carefully scanned the room for a certain Slytherin, wanting to talk. He couldn't leave anything unsaid. He soon spotted the blonde who shared the same dark circles as Harry had.

As soon as Draco saw Harry staring he quickly got up in hopes to avoid Harry at all costs. He knew it was a mistake having a one night stand with the boy he had desperately fell in love with and is still falling for. It was a one night stand, just that. Loads of people had them, so why was he feeling this way?

He stood atop the Astronomy tower in dire need to let his thoughts fly away. That wouldn't happen though not right now.

" Draco... Can we talk?" Harry asked sounding more like a beg.

"About what Potter?"
Harry flinched at the use of his last name.

" I think you know." He reminded a not so confused Draco.

" Do I now?" Draco declared gradually stepping closer.

"We slept together, don't you think we should talk about it?" Harry said, slightly annoyed.

" Don't act so thick Harry, it was just a one night stand... No strings attached. I don't know what game you're playing, you mean no more to me... Don't you see." Draco lied as a tear escaped his cold eyes. Harry meant the world to him but he had a bad reputation, he didn't want Harry to be part of it.

" I'm just a one night stand..." Draco concluded. He started to walk but Harry took hold of his wrist.

Harry tried to forget what Draco had just said.

" So you want me to forget everything, everything that happened between us!" Harry took a breath and softened his tone. " You are so much more than a one night stand Draco." He placed a hand on the ivory cheek In front of him. " I need you..."

"I...what?" Draco questioned in disbelief.

" I hope you meant it when you told me you wanted me."

" If I said it I meant it." Draco suppressed a smile.

Harry leaned in offering a kiss Draco gladly accepted, enjoying every moment as their lips moved in sync, slowly, savouring the fragile moment.

" You were never just a one night stand either." Draco mumbled on Harry's lips.

This was a draft for the longest time so I've decided to post it.

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