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"Hey babe, pass me the knife..."
And that's when Draco Malfoy knew he fucked up.
                     {earlier that day}
It was a normal day at Hogwarts, Draco was still a death eater spawn, the golden trio was still intact and the hatred stayed thick between a certain Slytherin and Gryffindor.

The morning had passed normal as well, Harry spent ten minutes not caring less about his appearance as he left for breakfast unlike Draco who spent an eternity perfecting every last detail. Harry would walk to the great hall with his valued friends Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley as Draco walked alone ignoring every soul possible. They would soon make their separate ways to class exchanging a one way glance, Draco would just stare at Harry like his life depends on it but what Harry doesn't know can't hurt him.

The two boys met up in potions class where Draco felt most appreciated, he was the best if he could say so, the best other than 'the' perfect little Hermione Granger. AKA the answers behind Ron and Harry's school work. Draco would love to just one day outshine Ms.Granger but today was not his day. Out of all the people on this god awful planet he was paired up with the one and only Harry Potter with a massive reputation of being a failure in this very subject.

Draco was infuriated that potter was his partner for grading reason of course but as far as personal reasons went he was more than overjoyed to be one on one with the boy who lived.

Harry leaned his head on the palm of his hand as he watched Draco carefully pour ingredients into a flaming hot cauldron, he didn't bother talking his eyes off Draco because he noticed that today he looked especially remarkable but that was just a doubted thought and in this case Harry had many about this certain blonde.

" Hey babe, pass me the knife..." And that's when Draco Malfoy knew he fucked up.

" what did you call me Malfoy?" Harry asked.

" whatever do you mean potter?" He spat knowing what he just let slip.

" you called me Babe Draco." Harry rolled his eyes at the fake shock on Draco's face.

"Don't flatter yourself potter! And since when do you call me Draco?"

" it's your name isn't it?... Draco."

Harry continued to lean on his hand, both of the boys failed to realize the once green potion now jet black. "Great babe you ruined the potion!" Harry teased he definitely wouldn't let Draco ever forget this.

"Are you kidding me....." Draco said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He wasn't quite sure if he was more annoyed by the failed potion or the fact that Harry was now teasing him.

Deep down Draco wished that Harry wouldn't be teasing him when calling him babe.

" what babe?" Harry laughed at a now clearly upset Draco.

" I didn't call you babe!" Draco affirmed through gritted teeth.

" don't flatter yourself... Babe." Harry walked off the scene leaving Draco with a mess unworthy to even call a potion.

The day carried on with potter teasing Malfoy about the babe accident. Draco couldn't see why Harry wouldn't shut up, it was getting really old. Draco tried his best to avoid potter but it seemed as though potter was around every single corner in Hogwarts.

Draco had enough, it was fine the first couple of times but Draco hated to be teased especially by Potter. Draco had to shut him up.

The blonde made his way to the Slytherin dorms for the night but of course Harry came around and wrapped an arm around Draco. He then obviously pushed Him off keeping his Malfoy reputation in place.

"So bab-" Harry was cut of by the hard kiss Draco placed on his lips. He simply walked off with a smirk leaving a frozen blushing potter in the middle of the hallway.

" bye babe."

I know I haven't been posting lately but I will try. Also I tried to make this idea work but it's kinda all over the place but.... 2K READS ALREADY!!!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LIKE I DIDNT THINK I WOULD PASS ONE VIEW YALL ARE AMAZING!

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