"I have to die..."

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Harry walked down the abandoned corridors, looking at all the damage that had been caused. He never wanted any of this to happen, he never wanted anyone to die. ' Why me?' Was a question that would never be truthfully answered. Faces were flashing throughout his head, the deceased invading his thoughts.

He made his way to Snape's office where he dropped the memories into the pensive, he was never too fond of Snape but there had to be a reason Snape gave away the memories before he passed. He dunked his head into the clear surface creating ripples as this face touched the liquid. The world was swaying beneath his feet bringing him to a different world. He saw his mother and bitter aunt Petunia all at the young age of around 11, he saw a young boy with shoulder length black hair he could only assume was Snape. He was then transported to the pair in Hogwarts. He saw his father being a 'swine' as his professor once said. The images twirled once again bringing him to a much older Snape pleading Dumbledore to hide Lily and her family. The next memory broke his heart his mother was sitting next to him beside his crib whispering comforting sentences that seemed heart wrenching to Harry as he heard his mother " Be safe Harry, we love you Harry, everything will be alright, shhh... It's alright, you will grow to be a great boy, we love you so, so much" Then came a blood curdling scream, she dropped to the floor. The next thing he saw was Snape defeated, on the ground holding up his mothers limp lifeless body sobbing painfully. He saw many other memories  but this one especially caught his eye. The very last memory. Dumbledore and Snape were having a heated conversation...He had to die. After all this he had to die. He was both furious and emotionless at the same time, the worst part was deep down he felt that he deserved to die.

He walked on and on in the corridors that no longer felt like home, broken and cold. He couldn't stop but think of all the people he was going to leave behind. He would just become a memory, soon to be forgotten. What would happen? Would Voldemort reign? What would happen to all of his friends, his loved ones what would happen to Draco... " torture me, kill me, Do anything but for the love of God...Don't you touch him." He thought.

The corridors seemed as though they were infinite. He walked until he saw two familiar figures sitting, huddled on the grand staircase more like what was left of it.  He walked closer, " Hey" he mumbled loud enough for the pair to hear. " Oh Harry." Hermione engulfed him in a bone crushing hug. Ron gave him a brief hug " Hey mate, nice seeing you." He gave him a sort of half smile. " Hermione, I think you've known this for awhile and I think I have too." The smile fell from her face which soon was replaced with tears. " No Harry! You can't, I won't let you." She knew exactly what he had been talking about, Harry was the last Horcrux. He had to die. Ron came towards the two wrapping his arms around them both. They stood there for awhile before Harry knew he had to find some one else. " I love you guys." They both watched their best friend walk down the grand staircase for the last time.

He then saw someone in the distance, it was the someone he was longing for.
" Harry!" Draco ran up to Harry and pulled him into a sweet kiss. It was their first proper interaction since the past year. " You're alright." He sighed staying in his lovers embrace. " I love you so, so much remember that for me okay." He croaked, feeling the warm tears stream down his face. His eyebrows furrowed.
" Harry...Harry what's wrong please tell me." He put a finger underneath Harry's chin looking him in the eye. Draco's eyes filled with concern.
" Draco, Love... I'm the last Horcrux."  Draco fell to his knees in shock. " I-I have to die." He sat beside a sobbing Draco pulling him close, letting the reality seep in. He had to die and leave Draco alone, he needed to do something. Draco was now sobbing into Harry's  chest. " H-Harry you can't l-leave me like this. Please don't go. I love you." He whimpered clutching onto Harry's shirt. " I have too, I'm so sorry Draco, I have to go just don't forget me okay, you can do that for me."

He pulled Draco into a tighter embrace never willing to let go ( wow it's like I haven't ever used that sentence a million times already.) even though he knew he had too,  time was running out. He inhaled Draco's warm vanilla sent, wanting it to be the last thing he smelt. He pulled Draco into a 'goodbye kiss' full of raw emotion, it tasted salty for tears ran down their faces. He had his arms around Draco's waist and Draco's arms were around Harry's neck. The kiss didn't last as long as Harry wanted it to as they were both crying it was hard for them to breathe. Oh how badly he was going to miss Draco, the kisses, the company, endlessly cuddling, the everything. He stood up pulling The taller blonde with him. He pulled Draco into a last overwhelming hug. " I love you." He whispered. " I love you too." He placed a soft kiss onto his lips, he had to do this. He whispered "obliviate" as he pulled away from the tight embrace. He took one last look at a now confused Draco before walking to the forbidden forest.

He continued to walk trying his hardest not to look back. Forcing the tears away which was impossible at this point. He knew he had to do that, he couldn't let Draco mourn over him, this way Draco wouldn't remember Harry as anything but the enemy, as he saw him in their first two years at Hogwarts.

He made his way down a poorly made path where Voldemort and his death eaters were. He heard curious whispers as he walked closer towards the noise he saw another familiar face as he approached the scene. " NO! Harry what're you doin' here NO!" Hagrid was tied up by death eaters. Voldemort let out a hollow laugh. Harry just stood there thinking of Draco and all his friends. " prepare to die." One last tear rolled down his cheek, he took his last breath faintly smelling vanilla...

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Voldemort roared. Harry fell to the ground, hard like a rock. And all fell silent.

Hey guys,
It's been 19 years since the battle of Hogwarts so I decided to dedicate this chapter to it. Should I make a part 2 lemme know In the comments 😊

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