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Deep down Harry knew that Draco didn't love him anymore... He just knew.

It was the early morning, no later then 3am when Harry heard the faint noise of a door clicking shut. A wave of relief crashed over him because 'at least you came home tonight.' Harry knew Draco was cheating on him he had known for awhile now; he never brought it up when they spent time together because Draco was the only good thing Harry had or that's what he believed.

Draco walked silently into the bedroom, Harry then closed his eyes making sure Draco thought he was sleeping. As Draco turned his back to Harry, he opened his eyes to see Draco taking his shirt off reviling love bites across his torso. Draco looked at them and smiled about the events that had passed earlier that night. He pulled on a jumper and baggy sweat pants and climbed into bed facing Harry who was trying his hardest not to open his eyes.

Draco pressed a short kiss onto Harry's lips but it wasn't the familiar vanilla flavour, it was a harsh musky flavour that didn't belong to Draco. He put his arms around Harry pulling him close. Harry then decided it would be a good time to 'wake up.'
" Hey babe... I um just have to go to the bathroom." He said making it seem as though he wasn't awake all night waiting nervously for Draco to come home. He got up walking towards the bathroom. He locked the door behind him and let the cold water run until it was freezing. Cupping his hands under the faucet letting the cold water fill up in his hands so he could splash it on his face to see if he was perhaps dreaming all this, that maybe the reality was Draco got hurt or something. Harry tried to find any excuse for the love bites all over Draco's torso or the unfamiliar musky sent, the late night arrivals, 'I have extra work, I just can't tonight I love you.' He wasn't dreaming about any of it and there was no excuses for what Draco did.

Harry walked back to their bedroom and pulled Draco into a tight embrace because Harry didn't want to let him go.


Harry woke up an hour before Draco but he just sat in bed, observing Draco features as the sun illuminated his face.    He watched the blonde slowly wake up. "Hey" He mumbled in a groggy voice, Harry didn't reply, instead he got up and started to make breakfast. Draco soon followed.

" is there something wrong?" Draco asked confused but deep down he knew what he did. " did you get enough sleep last night you look tired." He put his hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry backed away, a tear escaping his eye. " I stayed up until 3am... Waiting for you to come home. I know it's not work that your busy with. I'm not stupid Draco, and don't even try to deny it you know what you did." Harry left the room and started to pack his things. " Harry I'm sorry.... Please stay with me I shouldn't have done that. I was so stupid I'm so sorry... I love you."
" act like it then, just act like you love me."

Harry left without a look back.

I've been gone for so long... Sorry for all the extremely short updates. I promise I will try and post at least every 2 days.
Love y'all

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