Instagram-Drarry part 2

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Direct message (Draco and Harry)

Draco: I'm sorry

Harry: what

Draco: I should've known

Harry: Draco what are you getting at???

Draco: it's just not going to work.

Harry: what do you mean? What's not going to work?

Draco: us

Harry: that's completely insane! I love you Draco, you don't mean it.

Draco: I never loved you

Harry: Draco, please come home, we can fix whatever happened. Please baby I love you.
Read 10:50 pm

Harry: Draco please text back, I don't even know what's going on! I love you so much and I'm sorry if I did something wrong.
Read 10: 55 pm

Harry: Draco, please don't do this... Just tell me what happened I know you still love me...
Read 11:00 pm

Harry: Draco...please

Draco: you're wasting your time,

Draco: like I said, I never loved you. Can't get it through that thick skull of yours can you!?

Harry:Draco don't do this. We both know that whatever your trying to do is wrong.

Draco: goodbye.

(Writing this part)

Draco walked in to his room to be greeted by his father.
" hello, Have you seen my phone by any chance?" Draco asked, he could've sworn he left his phone in the library but it wasn't there. " I was just going to say goodnight to Harry." Draco stated.

Much to Draco's surprise his parents took the coming out quite well, his father just stayed silent, Draco assumed he was thinking about the whole situation because he did not appear to be mad in the slightest.

" Oh here." Lucius (idek how to spell his name and it's 3am so I ain't doing any research) passed the phone to his son before swiftly leaving the room.

Draco grabbed his phone and tried to turn it on only to receive a dead battery icon in response. " shit" he muttered under his breath before plugging in his phone. " I'll just text him in the morning." Draco mumbled to himself before getting ready for bed.

He woke up the next day with zero text notifications which confused him, he tried texting Harry but much to his surprise, he didn't receive a text back. After a couple more texts asking if Harry was okay, he decided to pass his time by scrolling through his Instagram feed. What he saw hurt him, shocked him but mostly confused him. It was Harry:

 It was Harry:

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