I miss her

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Albus's POV

As I walked into my boyfriends room I could feel something was off, there wasn't that warm glow that he usually radiated but a rather cold and gloomy vibe filled the room. His mum had previously died last September and today July 9th was her birthday, scorpius was a mess.

"Awww Scorp..." I sat beside him pulling him into my embrace. I pressed a soft kiss on his temple. Scorpius started to cry. After a few moments he started to break down, he was choking on the air, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that... I'm here." I whispered comfortingly.

He finally caught his breath. " I miss her Al." Scorpius croaked between sobs. " I miss her so much." He looked up at me his eyes were puffy, stained red, his hair was tousled and his lips were dragged into a pout.

We laid there, tangled in each other's embrace  for at least an hour before the tears seized.

I pulled him off the bed. he hugged me and my tear soaked shirt.
" I'm sorry for your shirt..." He apologized after he realized the mess he had made.
" As long as you're okay."  I looked at him, concerned.
" I will be." He smiled.

"Let's go somewhere." I exclaimed as I brought him out of his room.

We walked to the driveway at the Malfoy manor, I then gestured for him to get in the car.

Scorpius lips curved into a small smile.
" since when do you know how to drive?"

" since always, now get in."  I smirked.

No questions were asked during the car ride maybe a stray tear, but no questions, that is until we reached the gate. Scorpius recognized the place immediately, it was the grave yard in which his mother was buried.

"Al... No, why are we H-here?" He stuttered. He always did that when he was nervous.

" I thought visiting your mom cheer you up. We don't have to stay here long, trust me okay?"

He nodded and turned to get out of the car, I did the same. We walked hand in hand down the path leading to the gravestone, my grip tightened as we approached it.

He stared at his feet " I haven't been here since-"

" I know." I cut him off, I remembered it like it was yesterday, my Scorp hasn't been the same since.

I let go of his hand to place some roses on the gravestone. I kept one for Scorpius to give, I placed it in his hand.

His mouth smiled but his eyes didn't. He proceeded to place the white rose beside all the red roses on the ground. I sat down beside him and wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

" I miss you... Happy birthday mum." He whispered. Almost refusing to let a tear slip.


It was hard to think that a boy this broken could still smile.

It's very short I had a couple more paragraphs but they kind of were for nothing so I just ended it there. I wanted to say thanks so much for all the votes comments and support that I'm getting. It really brightens my day. Also if you guys have any other Scorbus ideas just PM me.

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