I cant live without you by my side

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" you guys have to come to the Quidditch match!"
"So you think that we've turned into Qudditch loving cronies now?" Albus spat.
" Like I was saying, you're going to the match or I'll hex your noses off!" Rose yelled
" B-but I like my nose!" Scorpius said with a hint of naïveté in his voice.
" Fine we'll go but we're not going to enjoy it."
" that's the point idiot, that's what you get for ruining my potions homework!"
" look we said we were sorry about that!" Albus said. Scorpius was sitting there confused as to why cousins would treat each other like that.

Scorpius and Albus were making their way to the Quidditch pitch, Albus being the person he is, had a bad idea about this. Scorpius being the person he is was determined to keep his nose intact and in perfect shape therefore they were going no matter what. They sat down reluctantly in the Slytherin pitch awaiting the start of the game. They watched the Quidditch match for about 5 minutes, they felt as though their brains were slowly melting and leaking through their ears therefore the resumed to conversation.
" do we have to stay, I mean Rose wouldn't hex our noses off for real right?" Scorpius said. " Have you met Rose I mean she's not as nice as she seems..."
" fair enough." Scorpius agreed.
" I was in class yesterday and I can't believe what Teddy said to..." Scorpius was promptly cut off when his best friend jumped in front of him to protect him from the rogue bludger that had decided that Scorpius would be his next target. The next thing Scorpius felt was the limp body of his best friend lying in his lap, and Scorpius's heart shattered into a million jagged pieces gutting him from the inside out.

Scorpius screamed as if his whole world was shattered, which was true for the most part. " HELP....No Albus....I need you SOMEONE HELP!" Scorpius said with tears running down his face. Madam Pomfrey pushed away the crowd of shocked students that were surrounding Scorpius and Albus. Scorpius was sobbing into Albus' chest. " Scorpius if you want me to help him you're going to have to get off of him." Scorpius moved as madam Pomfrey put Albus onto a stretcher, his limp arms were hanging off either side of the stretcher. Madam Pomfrey took Albus to the hospital wing immediately, Scorpius followed holding on to Albus' cold hand. Madam Pomfrey had to do some healing on Albus therefore Scorpius had to leave, he was reluctant but he left knowing that he was in good hands. Scorpius stayed in the Slytherin common room all day. He thought that the only person to blame was him, he never thought this day would come; he already lost his mother was he about to lose his best friend? Scorpius couldn't stop thinking about Albus, what if I was the one in the hospital wing right now, I would do anything, anything to make sure Albus is okay, I mean I love him maybe even more then friends. I can't lose him too. Scorpius thought. Scorpius didn't sleep at all that night, he wouldn't let sleep claim him. He just wants Albus to be okay.

It was early in the morning and Scorpius rushed to the hospital wing in hope that he could visit Albus. He walked into the room and he saw Ginny and Harry, they had been there all night. " H-how is he doing?" Scorpius asked holding back the tears as he saw his best friend laying, immobile in bandages.
" he's still Unconscious but we know he's strong he'll pull through" Harry said
" I think he wants to visit Albus alone... Come on Harry" Ginny said pulling her husband out of the room. Scorpius sat beside Albus and grabbed his cold hand and gave it a squeeze. " H-hey Albus, I know you can't hear me but... I'm really, really sorry we shouldn't have gone." Scorpius started to tear up he didn't think that it would effect him this much but it did. " I miss you so much. It's pretty lonely in the dorms without you." Scorpius sighed
" I know that this is only temporary I can't live without you, you need to stay. I need you. Id be lying if I told you that losing you is something that I can handle. I love you so much and you need to stay." Scorpius said, he stared at Albus expecting an answer. But the room was silent. So silent that if you listen hard enough you can hear a broken heart trying to break itself more. But you can't break a broken heart, can you?

Scorpius got out of the chair and returned to his dorm he was in no mood to go to potions class, he laid down on Albus' bed. He could faintly smell his best friends cologne which smelled exactly like Amortentia when they were brewing it in potions. He was so tired but he didn't want to miss anything. Eventually he closed his eyes and fell asleep. He woke up just in time for supper but he didn't want to eat, not without Albus by his side.

A week passed and Albus was still unconscious, Scorpius would visit him every day of the week bringing some of Albus's favourite candies from Honeydukes. Today Scorpius brought some chocolate frogs. " Hey Albus, I brought you some chocolate frogs to add to your collection." Scorpius placed the candy on the table. He sat down and grabbed Albus' hand; the usual routine. " it's almost impossible to function without you, I can't sleep, I can't eat... Just don't give up on me because if you give up on me I'll give up on myself too." His voice cracked " you need to wake up I can't lose you because if I do I'd have lost my best friend, my soulmate, my smile, my everything. I don't know why it's taken this to make me realize that I love you, but I guess you don't realize what you have until you lose it. I know I might as well be talking to a brick wall but the nurse said it might help if I talk to you." Scorpius fought the tears back gave Albus' hand a squeeze and got up he stared at Albus, and his fingers were moving faintly but it was something.
"Al-Albus" Albus started to groan his eyes opened. Scorpius grabbed his hand but he moved it away roughly. Albus looked confused. And then realization hit." Who are you? And why were you holding my hand." Albus said angrily. " Albus" his voice cracked again " Al-Albus it's me Scorpius, your best friend y-you know me"
" just leave!" Albus said. This caused Scorpius to burst out in tears. He lost his whole world in two sentences, everything that he loved was everything he just lost.

I'm evil I know but I felt like making a sad one.... Should I delete the 3 part oneshots? Let me know. The next one might be sad just to let you know...... Lots of love

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