Thank you part 2

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Harry walked out of the coffee shop with a huge smile on his face, he then apparated to his flat Ron and Hermione were there his facial expression changed. " OH my god I'm so sorry I forgot about this." Harry apologized. " How could you forget we do this every Saturday at the same time." Hermione said. " where were you anyways?" Ron asked, Harry blushed.
" Ooh were you on a date?." Hermione said smiling. " sort of..." Harry said looking at his feet. " you too can discuss this I'm going to buy some pizza." Ron disapparated to the pizza place. " Tell me! Who is the lucky guy?"  Hermione said waiting impatiently for an answer. " well, um... It's someone from school."
" come on Harry tell me!"
" well it was Draco."
"Bloody Hell Draco Malfoy?" Ron said with a pizza in his hands. " who else has that stupid name, obviously Draco Malfoy."
" he's not a prat anymore, he's changed I promise."
" Once a prat,always a prat." Ron said laughing which caused him to get a slap on the arm from Hermione.
" I was just kidding."
" we're happy as long as you're happy Harry." Hermione said placing a hand on his shoulder.
" let's watch a movie." Harry said changing the subject.

Draco felt as happy as ever, he decided to call Harry even though he was still unfamiliar with muggle objects.
" Hey Harry!"
" Hello Draco, What's up?"
" I know that we just went out today but I was wondering if you wanted to have supper with me at my flat tomorrow night."
" sounds lovely, I'll see you at..."
" Ok I'll see you then bye Draco."
"Goodbye Harry." Draco bit his bottom lip and smiled he started to do a victory dance. Then he proceeded to clean his perfectly clean flat for the next day.

*the next night*
Draco checked the mirror every five minutes to make sure he looked perfect he knew he looked perfect but he was paranoid. The doorbell rang and Draco rushed to the door he opened the door only to see Harry with a bouquet of roses.
" sentimental git."
" Hello to you too Draco." He walked into the flat and placed his coat on the rack.
" you look perfect Draco." Harry said as Draco moved quickly away from the mirror. " you look nice Harry, now come on we should start to eat."
The both sat across from each other at the dining table. " So why muggle London?"
"My parents kicked me out of the manor they obviously weren't happy that their only son was gay and wasn't able to continue the Malfoy family line. But if I lived there this." He said pointing at Harry and himself. " would probably not be happening, so I'm glad."
" I'm glad too."
" care for some wine?"
" of course."
They drank,shared laughs, talked about their terrible Hogwarts years. " I feel bad for the people who were actually trying to get educated." Draco said between laughs

" This night has been perfect but I should get going."
" such a shame I was about to start a movie..." Draco said giving him puppy eyes. " fine I'll stay but just for a movie."
Harry sat down on the couch as Draco started a movie. " what are we watching?" Harry asked.
" the notebook."
" of course."
As the movie started Draco put his arm around Harry, Harry intertwined his fingers Draco's free hand.
" Draco I really like you, "
" you do?"
"Yes I really do nothing in my life has felt more right."
Draco moved closer to Harry and He closed the gap between them
He kissed harry and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, His hand rested below Harry's  ear, his thumb caressing his cheek as their breaths mingled. Harry ran his fingers down Draco's spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them and he could feel the beating of his heart against Draco's chest, they were meant to be.

*5 years later*

"Do you Harry James Potter take Draco Lucius Malfoy to be you lawfully wedded husband?"
Harry started into Draco's grey eyes.
" I do" he said with a smile
"And do you Draco-"
"I do." Draco said instantly
" by the power vested in me you are now pronounced as husband and husband you may now kiss the groom."
Draco pulled Harry closed and kissed him as If it was the first time they kissed it was soft but full of screaming emotions. They opened their eyes at stared at each other for a minute and then ran down the aisle with fingers intertwined as the flower girls threw rose petals in the air. Life couldn't get any better than it already was.

 I try to update as often as possible but I'm lazy and I have stuff to do but I hope you enjoyed this.
Lots of love

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