Because i'm gift to this world?

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Harry's POV

It's December 25th more commonly known as Christmas. It's the first year that I'm able to spend it with my boyfriend Draco. I woke up to an empty bed, Draco was nowhere to be seen he wasn't in the bathroom or in the kitchen either. And that's when I saw him.
"Harry help,I'm trapped under the tree and the stars tangled in my hair!"
" why in the world are you under the tree!?"
"....... Because I'm a gift to this world?"
I started to laugh
" you're so adorable."
" Malfoy's are not adorable." Draco sneered
" sure they're not...." Harry said sarcastically.

I helped my boyfriend up and pulled him into my arms and pecked him on the lips.
" Happy Christmas Draco."
"Happy Christmas Harry."
We then proceeded to open the presents beneath the tree.
Draco gave me a book on Defence against the Dark Arts and a new broomstick care kit. I got him a Potions book and a new potions stand that he had seen in diagon ally and had been begging for for weeks on end. I kept telling him to stop but only because it was Breaking My heart
" you are the best boyfriend ever!"
" you are only saying that because I got you that potions stand that you wanted."
" maybe..." Draco said smiling cutely
I kissed Draco softly and he melted into the kiss. This was one of the best Christmases I've ever had. With my former enemy.

Hehehehehhweh typical Draco
Lots of love

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