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"I'm not gay Draco!" Harry exclaimed clearly upset with himself.

"Really? So when you kiss me," he paused to laugh. "-when you kiss me, do you pretend I'm  a girl or something."  Draco replied jokingly.

"Draco, I'm serious! I'm not fucking gay, it was just a whole misunderstanding. I'm not like you."

Draco scoffed, to hide the hurt that he felt. "And what am I like?"

Harry licked his bottom lip before deciding what to say. "You know, like gay-gay you wear nail polish and you act feminine. You know."

"Wow... you know what Harry, fuck you! And talk to me when you figure out what's going on with your life." Draco stormed off, not believing how Harry had such a change of heart. They have been hooking up for the past three months. And Harry now decides that it isn't working for him. Draco wasn't going to make this mistake again.


Harry and Draco would always pass each other in the halls, Harry's stare would linger just a moment longer than they usually would. Somewhere, deep inside Draco had some pity for the boy. He knew how it felt to be lost, and to not understand if what you're feeling is allowed. But then again, Harry knew what to do once he found himself, and that's a journey Draco doesn't want to be dragged in.

On the flip side of things, Harry was desperate. He wanted Draco to realize that this was a hard time for him, and he had to cope with his feelings. He knew he had to do something about it. Which brings us to a drunk Harry meandering his way, in the rain and the cold evening air to Draco's home. Harry  knocked quite loudly on the door, which was in poor taste really. Draco opened the door, surprised to see a disheveled Harry on his doorstep.

"What are you doing here?" Draco had his arms crossed and tried to keep his expression stone cold. but he felt for the boy he could see the mixed emotions just by the way he was standing there.

"I miss you." Harry said. And he meant it, it felt like his whole body was aching, he couldn't cope, not alone. 

Draco sighed, "Harry you're drunk."

Harry sniffled a little holding back a sad laugh. "My parents are going to kill me, I can't go home like this," Harry stopped and realized that he was sharing too much. "Sorry, I should just go, I don't want to mess things up more than I already have."

Harry turned around and begun walking away. Draco couldn't let him, he cared to much for the boy. so he went after him.

"Harry wait!" he yelled getting Harry's attention. "Come back, please." He followed up a bit more softly.

Harry turned around, his whole body soaked. He couldn't feel it but he was shivering. Draco invited him inside the warm house. Harry took of his soaked black sneakers and laid them aside on the white marble floor. 

"Lets get you a hot shower, yeah. you're shivering. " Draco brought Harry upstairs, to the bathroom. Draco gave him a towel and some sweatpants and a hoodie.

Draco went to his room, he was glad that his parents were gone away for the week.

A couple moments later, a cozy Harry made his way to Draco's room. "Where do you want me to sleep?"

Draco patted the spot beside him. One night couldn't hurt. Right?

And so Harry crawled onto the queen sized bed, and made his way under the covers. Draco faced the other way so he wasn't looking at Harry.

Harry put his arms around Draco's figure, he nuzzled his nose into the back of Draco's neck. He missed Draco.

Draco shifted out of Harry's grasp. It was too much for him, he didn't want to fall back into this game.

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