Taking notes

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Harry and Draco were rushing down the corridor on their way to opposite classes, Harry was on his way to muggle studies with the hufflepuffs and the taller Slytherin was making his way to defence against the dark arts. Neither of the two looked up as they crossed paths only to result in dropping their schoolwork. " Watch where you're going potter, I'm going to be late for class, you git!" Draco sneered. " oh shove off Malfoy, and don't act like you're the only one who is going to be late." Draco then proceeded to kick one of Harry's books down the hall. " come on Malfoy... You bloody idiot!" Harry gave Draco a cold look before he started to pick up his books. And you wonder why he hates you Draco thought to himself. " look I'm sorry I shouldn't have kicked your book.." Harry looked confused "here" Draco said as he passed Harry a book. " Uh thank you." Harry didn't know how to act after Draco's gesture. He rushed off to class leaving a somewhat sad Draco behind.

" what took you so long."
" don't worry about it 'Mione can I just copy what you wrote." He asked as Hermione passed him four pages of notes in small handwriting. Harry sighed as he looked in his bag for a notebook he grabbed something unfamiliar, something that definitely did not belong to him. Harry took the book and examined it making sure it wasn't cursed hence his second year at Hogwarts. On the first page it said property of Draco Malfoy. In perfectly printed calligraphy. Harry's heart started to beat out of his chest for it wasn't just a normal notebook it was his crush-I meant enemies notebook. He flipped through the first couple pages which seemed normal enough. But as the dates in the notebook became more present Harry's name surrounded by hearts found itself in the margins. This made butterflies go crazy in his stomach.

The second the class ended Harry bolted out of class in dire need to find a certain blonde.

Draco was walking with pansy as Harry called his name.
" Hey Dra-Malfoy."
" What do you want Potter?!" He sneered trying to show off. " I need to talk to you... alone." He said dragging Draco in a empty classroom. " you can't hold me hostage!" Completely ignoring Draco's comments Harry got straight to the point " does this seem familiar?"
"No." Harry rolled his eyes, did Malfoy actually think he was that stupid. He opened it to the first page. " fine it's mine but you have no right to read it."
" What, you mean don't read all the parts with my name covered in hearts."
" why do you want me here." Draco said embarrassed.
" I was actually pretty excited that you like me because I'll let you in on a little secret."

Harry took a step towards Draco and whispered in his ear. " I like you too." He then left a kiss on the blondes face who appeared to be frozen in shock. "So um how about Hogsmeade this weekend?" Draco said after he regained his ability to speak. " of course."

I got this idea from a writing prompt thing on Tumblr, I know it's short but I thought it was cute.

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