Lazy sundays

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Scorpius POV

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, the pink and golden summer sky leaked through the window. I laid beside Albus on his bed, my head rested on his chest. We didn't talk much, we weren't sure what to say. We just took time to bask in each others presence, sharing soft touches and subtle smiles.

"Should we watch a movie?" Albus finally spoke up.

"Sure, you choose though." I told him.
" I'm just too indecisive." I added.

Albus chuckled lightly and got up from the bed. He proceeded to grab a movie and put it in the DVD player.

" What did you choose?" I asked.

He grinned, "You'll see."

The commercials played for awhile before the movie came on.
I rolled my eyes once I saw "Pretty Women." Flashing on the screen.
"What?" Albus questioned.
"Pretty women?!" I raised my voice sarcastically.
" Come on, it's great!" Albus stated.
"Whatever." I smiled.

I wasn't really paying attention to the movie, I was sure that it had to be coming to and end. My gaze was more focused on Albus and how intently he watched the movie.

I saw the reflection of the movie in Albus's eyes with a little twinkle of contentment.

The screen went black, matching the night sky outside, I wanted to spend more time with Albus.

I hesitated for a second but I felt like this needed to be addressed." Hey, Albus, what are we?"

" We are..." He paused for a moment. "Us." He said, tilting his head so that he was now looking at me.

" Us?" I repeated, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Yeah." He whispered.

A long moment of comfortable silence had passed, of me just snuggled up to Albus's side, he let out a sigh.


I hummed in acknowledgement.

" I've told my parents about you, about us." Albus told me, nervously.

"Yeah?" I laced my fingers with Albus's free hand.

" I um, I think it's the first time I've seen them smile for awhile." Albus laughed softly.

"That's great." I stated, placing a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth being that I was too comfortable to move.

"I'm really glad." Albus whispered.

What? "For what?" I wondered.

"That You sat beside me on the train." Albus replied, a small smile tugging at his lips. " I'm so glad that I met you."

"So am I." I smiled back.

So am I.

I got an A+ on my short story!!!!!

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