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No magic AU

Draco groaned at the sound of his cellphone. Who would be calling so early in the morning anyways?

He grabbed his phone from the side table and winced as the bright light flashed in his eyes.

"Hello" Draco mumbled, he didn't check the caller id before answering.

"Hey baby." A soft but anxious voice said.

"Hey, why are you calling so early?" Draco asked, concerned for his boyfriend.

"I just really miss you." He stopped talking, a quiet sob followed. " I can't fall asleep without you, and I just need to hear your voice." Harry's voice broke. " I need you so bad..."

Draco wishes that Harry wasn't a plane ticket away, he wanted to be there, he wanted to comfort Harry but all he could say is. " I miss you too, I'll be seeing you in two weeks, I wish I could come sooner."

Harry was studying at Ottawa U, while Draco was still in England, miles and miles away from his boyfriend.

"Yeah..." Harry sighed. " I guess so"

"You know I love you right?" Draco asked, he knew the answer would be yes but a little part of him thought that maybe the distance was too much.

Harry sighed. "I love you too."
Harry hung up. That small action hurt Draco more than it should've. Draco felt as though they were drifting apart, that he simply wasn't good enough for Harry.

(A week later)

Harry sat in his dorm room with tons of work to do, instead of doing the work he went on his phone. He clicked on the photo app and went through all the pictures he had of Draco.

His favourites were the ones of Draco smiling, not one of those 'smile for the camera' smiles. But a genuine smile from pure happiness. Harry used to take candid pictures of Draco before he left so that he could always look at his ray of sunshine during the day.

Harry turned off his phone and sighed, he was anxious for the upcoming week, as Draco was supposed to be visiting. He felt like they were drifting apart.

He shook those thoughts out of his head, because Draco does still love him...right?

He stood up and grabbed a hoodie off the floor, he didn't even bother checking it for stains, instead he just put it on.

Harry decided to go to Starbucks to get a drink that would give him at least some motivation and energy to finish all his work.


Harry walked back to his dorms, he sighed as he ran his fingers through his dark brown hair.

He went to the bathroom before going back to his dorm room, He splashed some cold water on his face before staring at himself in the mirror. He looked like hell, purple bags laid underneath his eyes. He was getting thin due to the lack of eating, he was so focused on other things that often enough he would forget to eat. 

 Somehow he was supposed to get through this year without breaking down, without being around the ones he loved and without any motivation.

He walked back to his dorm room, the door was unlocked but he swore he locked it before he left. He opened the door with caution as he turned the lights on just as he got in the room.

Draco was sitting on his bed, So many emotions came flooding through his mind; he was both happy and sad at the same time.

Draco got up and engulfed him in a hug, he wrapped his arms around Harry's smaller frame and Harry hugged back, enjoying being in his lovers embrace. 

Draco pulled away from the hug and placed a soft kiss on harry's lips.

"Hey baby." Draco mumbled on Harry's lips.

"Hey." Harry said, pulling back from the kiss.

Still in Draco's light embrace Harry realized how dirty his room was and how he hasn't showered in two days. "Babe, I need to shower... If I knew you were coming I would've cleaned up a bit." Harry stated.

"I don't care, i'm just really happy to see you." Draco paused for a moment, he played with the strings on Harry's hoodie. He looked up into Harry's eyes, "Mind if I joined you?" He asked.

Harry smirked, "No, I wouldn't mind." Harry whispered, placing another kiss onto Draco's lips.


After a long steamy shower, the two were snuggled up on Harry's bed with only a blanket covering them.

Harry drew circles on Draco's bare skin, In this moment he knew what he was feeling, it didn't seem like a blur anymore; He felt loved. "I missed you so much." Harry admitted. Draco gave Harry a sleepy smile. "I couldn't wait those extra weeks." Draco muttered, his eyes barely opened.

"I love you." Harry pressed a kiss on his lovers forehead.

Draco hummed, falling asleep. "I love you too."

And so the pair fell asleep in each others arm's for the first time in awhile, not worrying about the days to come or the limited time together, Because they were together now and that's all that mattered.

OoOooOf Merry christmas if you celebrate it, Also i'm sick of listening to the same old music so if you have any recommendations please let me know :)


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