Learn to love you

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New year, new school and most importantly, New roommates. Draco brought his last box into his dorm room, His dorm mate still hadn't shown up yet which wasn't too surprising; since Draco decided to come a week early to unpack his room. He was anxious to meet his new dorm mate, the school made all the newcomers fill out a compatibility form to insure the perfect dorm mate. Draco was sure that his dorm mate would have the same interests as him, be of the same IQ (he wouldn't tolerate less) maybe, he would even make a new friend. Either way. He was ready for a new start, it's been years since the whole wizard war. He'd gotten into a fancy muggle school, Oxford.

Harry's phone pinged, waking him up. Shit he was late. He wanted to be at school by now, bringing all his new stuff to his new dorm, Ron had offered to help but Harry insisted that he could manage. It was a week before the official opening of the dorm rooms but first year university students were allowed to unpack early. He wasn't usually so punctual but he wanted to make a good first impression. He was the Harry Potter after all.

He packed up his car, and made his way to the school. He was stoked to meet his new dorm mate, He loved Ron and Hermione with all his heart but god they could get annoying. He noticed a few other cars in the parking lot. Maybe his dorm mate would be there.

Draco finished unpacking his side of the room, He liked to stay organized. He brought a couple plants and posters from his room at his house. He kept a minimalist approach to the decor, white and dark green, his two favourite colours. He dedicated a portion of his shelf to his books. Once he spelled his bed made he thought it would be a good time to shower, he wanted to get to know every nook and cranny before anyone else.

Harry spelled his boxes small and carried them all in a grocery bag. He tried not to use spells in muggle areas, but it was just so easy. Once he got to his dorm he noticed that the door was open. Someone was probably already inside. Harry cleared his throat and relaxed his shoulders. He pushed the door open and took a confident step inside; much to his luck, no one was there. He deemed it a perfect time to spell his boxes back to normal size and start unpacking. He looked around at his dorm mate's side of the room, it was so organized, he looked at the books stacked on the shelf, he didn't recognize many of the titles, he wouldn't consider himself much of a reader.

He sighed and sat beside the mountain of boxes on his bed. He started to unpack when he heard the doorknob click. Harry flinched at the sound.

Draco had just finished putting his silk pyjamas on and he was making his way back to the dorm room, it wasn't anywhere near bedtime but if he was spending the evening alone he didn't mind being in his evening clothes. He opened the door to his dorm, he saw someone on the bed across from his, must be his new roommate! The man turned his head, a smile on his face that quickly faded.

"FOR CHRISTS SAKE!" Draco shouted. It was Harry fucking Potter, his new dorm mate for the next two years was Harry FUCKING Potter.

"W-What are you doing here Potter!" Draco asked, flustered. Harry looked like he'd just seen a ghost, it was more of an angry staring contest than a conversation. "Draco I-"

"There's NO bloody way you're my dorm mate." Draco interrupted. He sat on his bed, directly across from Harry to get a better look at the bloke.

He had changed, but in a good way (not that Draco would ever admit that) he looked like he had finally slept, he wasn't wearing those god-awful glasses anymore, he wore contacts now, life changing decision, really. His arms looked more toned and his freckles more prominent, he was wearing a lovely dark blue jumper. (Draco made a point on commenting on how much he hated it, in a matter of minutes) He had let his hair grow out, not too much but enough that it was nice and curly. Draco thought of running his fingers through those curls, but that was many moons ago. He didn't want to think of those times.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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