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This is inspired by the song midnight:-)

The northern lights shone beautifully above Scorpius and Albus, these flashing lights resembled melting galaxies. Perhaps they were the product of Gods tears, whatever the case may be, they were shockingly beautiful.

Scorpius was in awe, taking it all in, not one moment was his attention fixed on something else. He basked in the presence of the shining masterpiece, soaking up the green-blue-purple lights. Not wanting to ever forget this night.

It was a sight to not be missed, but one tall, lovesick brunette disagreed. He wasn't watching the miraculous sight above, rather the boy beside him caught his attention. And not even for one moment did his eyes wander off somewhere else.

"It's so amazing," Scorpius awed, paying attention to the glistening night sky.

Albus reached down to grab the pale, blondes hand. And maybe if you were lucky or even fast enough, you would see Scorpius's attention drawn to the loving boy beside him. A small smile made it's way to the corner of his lips, but again, his eyes focused on the stars.

"Yeah," Albus sighed, wondering how he was ever this lucky to be in love with a boy who was so astounded by the world, a boy who made sure he captured every moment, leaving none behind.

"I could do this forever." Scorpius replied to the quiet night surrounding him.

I could too, the brunette thought, not talking about the stars.

"Hey," Albus spoke up after awhile. A soft hum came in reply. "You're so beautiful," Albus continued.

This time their eyes met. A sparkle ignited behind those silver eyes. They always sparkled, Albus thought.

Who needed the night sky when he could just look into Scorpius's eyes.

Scorpius leaned in for a kiss, Albus complied. It was the softest they'd ever been with each other, letting every fragile emotion seep into the kiss. It wasn't desperate nor needy. It was them, it was love.

Scorpius pulled away, his cheeks dusted pink. Albus ran a hand through the messy blonde curls. "I love you more than anything," he whispered into the night.

A heart melting smile appeared on Scorpius's face, he brought his hand to his boyfriends face. Cupping his cheek gently. Eyes running back and forth, taking in every little detail.

"I love you more than anything too." He whispered back into the night,



I know it's been forever but so many things have happened??? And I've been so uninspired????
Also it's like almost 3am and this idea just popped into my head.
Also I know I usually don't reply to the comments, but I appreciate them so HECKING MUCH!

I love you guys so much! Have a good day💕💕💕

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