...But his heart was beating for someone else (part 3)

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Harry's POV ('cause why not?)

Draco was acting very weirdly during potions class, he called me Harry and he obviously wasn't even brewing a potion. He was probably so bored that he was making cologne, that would explain the smell. I couldn't stop thinking about Draco yes it's true, I wanted to get him jealous because of me and Ginny but I think he's moved on, I mean he's dating pansy. Why is he dating pansy? He's gay right? Whatever.

I'm in the middle of muggle studies and I feel like I could die, I mean it's soooo boring. I reached for a new jar of ink when I felt something in my bag that wasn't there earlier... It was a note from none other than Draco Malfoy. The potion he was making is Amortentia oh god... He knows. Shit! What am I going to do!?

Class finished and I practically ran out, looking for a certain blonde. And there he was about to kiss pansy. I pushed pansy into the wall. "Ow"
"Shut up pansy!"
"Wha-" Draco attempted to say. I cut him off, I pressed my lips against his open mouth, it took him a while to realize what was going on but he kissed back. I snaked my arms around his neck, he puts his around my waist, pulling me closer. Our lips were in sync, the kiss was slow but full of emotions. I rested my forehead against his and breathed heavily. Then I heard an obnoxious high pitched scream, I quickly pulled away from Draco only to see Ginny stomping towards Draco and I.
" What the hell Harry! I thought you loved me!"
"I-" I tried to speak  but she wouldn't let me
" out of all the people him! The death eater spawn! You should know better!" Ginny spat
" Do not speak to Draco that way! He is nothing like his parents. Even if Draco was a death eater I'd still love him because I know that deep down inside he wouldn't even harm a fly. Draco is sweet and kind he does so much for everyone's happiness he is an amazing guy.... I love him." Draco felt moved by this " so if you insult him one more time there will be hell to pay!"
Ginny ran away in tears.
" I think Ron will be mad at you" Draco said trying to start a conversation.
" it was worth it, and I do mean all those things I said. I love you Draco, I really do."
"Sentimental git, I love you too. Now come here." Draco pulled me into his arms and kissed me sweetly.
" get a room!" Pansy yelled
" your's or mine?" Draco asked
I started to laugh I grabbed onto his hand and we made it to the Gryffindor common room. Who new that jealously could become love?

*a couple months later*
Draco was sitting on my lap, we were in the Slytherin dorm sitting on a couch.
" I love you." I said as I kissed his lips
" I love me too." Draco said
" wow" I said rolling my eyes
Draco got off of me and pulled me on top of him. He pressed kisses an my lips and he made his way down my jawline. I moved my head and kissed him slow he kissed back roughly, he quickly moved his mouth to my ear.
" I love you so fucking much Harry I don't know what I would do without you." He whispered. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect boyfriend, I love you Draco Malfoy.

So that was my first 3 parted oneshot ( so a threeshot🤔) anyway I really want to thank my friend for this idea honestly I have the worst writers block right now. My next story will probably be Scorbus just to let you know ...
Lots of love

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