New beginnings (part 2)

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It was 2:00, Draco was waiting patiently for Harry to pick him up from the muggle hotel. Harry was walking across the street to the hotel where Draco is.
" are you ready to go?"
" I've been ready for the past hour lets go."
Harry grabbed tightly onto Draco's hand and the apparated to Harry's flat.
" it's not much but it's home."
" no it's perfect." Draco said. Sure Draco was used to more luxurious areas but this was perfect for the time being.
" So your room is the last one to your right."
" Thank you so much Harry I don't know what I would be doing or where I'd be right now without you." Harry blushed at this.
Draco carried his trunk to his room, it had dark hardwood floors with a beautiful walk in closet and a queen bed with all white covers. Draco laid on the bed. Harry walked into the room happy to see that Draco was enjoying everything.

"Haven't slept in ages." Draco mumbled to himself.

"Well you should sleep. Relax, I'm going out to get some groceries and stuff. I'll be back in a couple of hours ok?and I'm gong to put the phone and my number here, if you need to call me please don't break it." He chuckled at the last part.

" ok perfect see you later." Draco slumped further into the bed.

Draco heard Harry close the door to his flat and he bolted up, he knew he would never fall asleep, not even on a bed as comfortable as that one. He noticed that the living space was a bit messy and that there was a couple of dishes in the kitchen, so Draco decided to clean in Harry's absence that's the least I could do.

He did not understand why Harry had so many muggle appliances. Draco knew not to touch them.

By the time Draco was done cleaning the flat spotless, Draco noticed that it was only 3:30pm so he took a short nap. He was woken up by the door opening and closing. He walked out of his bedroom and went into the livingroom.

" Draco!" Harry whined " you didn't have to do this you're my guest just relax."

" I didn't do much, I washed some dishes and tidied up." Draco half lied.

"Did you use the dishwasher?"

" dishwasher? Harry, I don't know that spell...I hand washed them."

" A dishwasher is a muggle appliance."
"Oh" Draco replied feeling like a half wit

" well what do you want to do?" Harry asked

" Take a shower- um I'll take a shower alone, yes just me ok byeeeee now." Draco's face was as red as a tomato
He ran back to his room and got stuff for the shower.

After an hour or so Draco came out of the shower smelling of mint and green apples. Draco walked out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist. Hary was walking to his room when he stopped in sight of Draco.
" Hey" Draco smirked and walked to his room smiling at Harry's blush.

Draco got blowdried his hair and got dressed for supper. Draco sat down at the dining room table and Harry served Draco a plate of salmon rice and vegetables

" it's not much, and if you don't like it you don't have to-"

" Harry stop worrying everything's perfect the worst thing I could do is complain after everything you've done for me."

They had a nice meal it wasn't awkward it was, well perfect.

Draco insisted on doing the dishes and then he went to bed to restore the lack of sleep he had yesterday. But he ended up crying himself to sleep. Even though today was perfect he hasn't forgotten about his birthday.

Harry and Draco worked like a well oiled machine for the next two weeks except for the muggle appliances malfunctions or as Harry likes to call it " no Draco the microwave is not going to explode it means your food is done heating up... Will you stop screaming!" Harry was the one who used to muggle appliances so he used them for Draco.

It was a Tuesday evening and Harry was going to a new restaurant he's heard of. Draco decided that even though Harry said he was going alone, he would tag along.
Draco came out of his room wearing a long sleeved  green plaid button up shirt with his usual black skinny jeans.
" I'm leaving Draco ok?"

" not without me!" Draco insisted

" I guess I have no choice then."

" do you really think you'll ever have a choice? well when I'm here anyways,"

Draco grabbed on to Harry's hand and we apparated  to the restaurant. They walked in and Harry asked the lady for a table for two.
Draco was so confused to why there were all these people wearing the same outfit he told Harry this and Harry replied
"They work here they have to wear the same outfit so that people know that they're employees. You are so cute when you try to understand muggle." He smiled
Draco smiled back. They sat down at the table and ordered their food.
" Harry I really want to help out around our- the... The house I think a second try at the washing machine would be okay."
" definitely not don't you remember the first time?"
" yeah but I feel bad for not doing anything."
" Draco how many times do I have to tell you everything's fine so how about we enjoy our night out."
Draco couldn't keep his eyes off Harry.
" so have your parents talked to you yet?"
" Harry, no... Let's not worry about me okay."  Draco said in a broken tone and Harry knew not to bring up his parents anymore. The waitress came with the food
" thank you" they said in unison
Harry and Draco shared a coupe of laughs it was as if they had been friends for a long time. The waitress came with the bill and Harry grabbed his debit card from his pocket. The waitress came back with the card machine. (I have no clue what they are called)
"Oooh" Draco's pupils were blown wide as he examined this new object.
Harry smiled, Draco was so fascinated by little things it was adorable.

Harry and Draco left the restaurant but before they returned to the flat they decided to go for a Walk in a muggle park. They were walking so closely together mainly because Draco didn't know what to expect so Harry subtly intertwined his fingers with Draco's almost as if it was something that they did everyday. Draco looked down at their hands and smiled. Harry and Draco were walking for about ten minutes when Harry made a sudden stop, this caused Draco to bump into Harry
"What, why did you-"
" make a wish" Harry said as he pointed to a shooting star in the sky. Draco moved in front of Harry. And he put his lips against Harry's and moved them slowly, Harry snaked his arms around Draco's neck and Draco put his arms around Harry's waist, Draco got closer to Harry ( if that was even possible)  now his fingers were intertwined in Harry's hair. They were kissing.  passionately until they had to pull away for air. Draco rested his forehead against Harry's.
" I've been wanting to do that for a while." Draco said between breaths
"Me too, let's go back home" they apparated back to the flat and went into Harry's bedroom, they stripped into their boxers and cuddled in bed. 
" I'm glad I have you Harry ." Draco whispered into Harry's ear
" And I you." Harry said back. Draco kissed Harry softly on the lips and then they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Heyyyy, I hope you liked it. If you have any requests just message me.

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