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( Coffee shop AU, No Magic AU)
Harry's POV

It's been a long morning, a very,very long morning. I stayed up all night watching my godson Teddy, I mean does that boy ever stop crying, well I guess not considering the fact that he's only two. ( Harry and Draco are 20)

I decided that today would be a great day to go looking for a new coffee shop to hang out at for the sole purpose of being able to stay awake for the next twenty four hours, also the regular coffee shop that I visit has been moved. I got out of my house and breathed in the cool afternoon air as I walked down the streets of London, out of the corner of my eye I saw something flashy. I walked back to see a small coffee shop SLYTHERIN COFFEE it said in bold silver and green writing.

I walked into the small shop, the ring of the door bell echoed around the room. I've never seen something so quaint, the walls were hand painted floral, there were low hanging lightbulbs that hug over small

round wooden tables with messages written in a perfect calligraphy font on them such as live for the moments you can't put into words or cherish the little things in life

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round wooden tables with messages written in a perfect calligraphy font on them such as live for the moments you can't put into words or cherish the little things in life. I was so focused on the unique decor that I almost did not notice a voice.
" Hello there, would you like any thing today." I looked up and I saw the most beautiful work of art in the place, he had pale blonde hair, almost silver, his face was pale as a shade of ivory he had a perfect jawline and a somewhat pointy chin. His eyes, they were almost indescribable, steel blue, he had beautiful eyes, the kind of eyes you could find yourself lost in and I guess I did get lost. He was wearing a pastel baby blue jumper and black skinny jeans with lilac purple converse shoes. He wore an apron with a pin "Draco" it said. The  warm sunlight was illuminating his face.

" I'll get a mocha please." I tried to concentrate on something other then his face.
"For.." He started
" Harry." I replied, even though it was just the two of us in the shop.
He wrote my name on the cup with a blue sharpie he bit his bottom lip as he did so, he definitely was writing something other then my name. " here you go Harry." He put his arm over the top of the bar to hand me the cup. Harry with the a as a heart, your eyes stole my capability to speak. I read the cup and smiled, looked at Draco who was blushing which I thought was incredibly cute. Maybe today won't be as exhausting as I thought, I've definitely found my coffee place.

My phone started ringing
" Hello." It was Hermione
" Hey Harry, Ron and I are going out tonight so I was wondering if you could watch Teddy?"
" No problem just pick him up as early as you can tomorrow."
" is around 12 okay?"
" Sure, you can meet me in a coffee shop called Slytherin coffee, see you later."
" Bye Harry."

Hermione dropped Teddy off at my flat and he was happy for once in his life." Teddy do you want spaghetti for supper?"
He started to giggle.
" pasghetti!!!" He smiled.
I sat him down in his high chair as I warmed up the leftovers from the night previous. After supper aka practically a food fight, I gave teddy a bath and put him to sleep. I still had spaghetti sauce on my shirt so I changed into a wool jumper. I couldn't stop thinking about Draco and the message on the cup. I mean he is extremely handsome I wonder if he meant what he wrote or does he write that to all his customers.

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