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6th year
"Scorpius! what in the wizarding world are you doing?!" Albus shrieked as he saw his now hyper best friend running around a very messy room.

Scorpius ran up to Albus and engulfed him in a hug. It wasn't unusual, but today it felt different. Lust lingered as Scorpius pulled away.

" I'm simply having fun." He smiled from ear to ear, a rare sight.

Albus, not in the mood to deal with this new version of the blonde. Went back outside to get some fresh air.

He walked down the smooth concrete steps as he heard some footsteps that didn't belong to him. He screamed as Scorpius ran In front of him.

" You caught me off guard! You can't just do that!" Albus said, very annoyed with Scorpius right now.

" I thought it would be nice to have my company." Scorpius suggested as he played with the collar on Albus's shirt occasionally touching the soft skin that laid underneath. This gave Albus a weird feeling. he looked into Scorpius soft eyes, they was definitely something going on. His pupils were unusually blown leaving just a thin ring of silver.

Albus now knew exactly why.
"Candy." Albus thought out loud. " you had candy." He stated confidently.

"I... What?" Scorpius replied shyly.

The truth is Scorpius was never allowed candy, it left him unfocused and unbelievably hyped even in small amounts.

" what makes you think that?" Scorpius continued defensively. Albus looked the taller boy up and down, he then rolled his eyes.

" you made it very obvious, your pupils are most definitely blown... Your tapping your feet and your hands are shaking. Also your hair is messy... You always style it when you wake up."

Scorpius suddenly stopped tapping his feet, embarrassed.
"Whatever." He sighed.


It had been weeks since Scorpius had sugar, Albus had made sure Scorpius had none. He felt as Though he was going crazy. He decided that one more chocolate frog wouldn't hurt...

Albus walked down to the dorms. He was quite confused when he heard music blasted from the dorm he and Scorpius shared. He opened the door to reveal a dancing half naked Scorpius in black skinny jeans with a Slytherin tie 'casually' wrapped around his head.

Albus walked over and turned the music off.

" Why, are you so cruel Albus?! You're such a fun ruiner." Scorpius whined and dragged his lips in a pout. Albus just rolled his eyes...again.

Scorpius was only upset for what seemed a mere second, his dragged lips were now pulled up into a devilish smirk. Scorpius walked closer and closer until Albus was lying on his bed. Scorpius eyes were oozing lust, but Albus had a gut feeling that Scorpius was only acting this way because of the sugar... He tried to relax.

" you're not wearing a shirt." Albus spoke what came to his mind and he had to admit that was pretty stupid.

" nice observation." Scorpius's breath ghosted over Albus's lips. A shiver of pleasure crawled down Albus's spine. His love for the boy who was currently on top of him, took over. The shy Albus was no more.

Albus stared into the soft grey eyes above him. " your such a rush Scorp." Albus whispered before he pressed a languid kiss onto Scorp's pink lips.

" I would hope so." Scorpius replied between kisses. It was unreal, it seemed impossible, but each kiss Scorpius gave became sweeter and sexier. Scorpius toyed with the hem of Albus's shirt letting his hand slowly slip under.

Albus was completely lost, he felt as though he needed more, he needed all of Scorpius, he never wanted this to stop. His hands were everywhere they roamed from the back of Scorpius's head to the dip of his back.

Scorpius couldn't contain himself he left Albus's lips to suck on the soft skin on the brunettes neck causing a moan to escape the boy's pink lips. The butterflies came back into Albus's stomach as his jeans tightened.

He felt that something wasn't quite right, he didn't want the aftermath to be a load of regret.

"H-hey." Albus struggled to say through the immense pleasure.
" can we talk?" He continued as he sat up. Scorpius looked up, lips slightly swollen, hungry eyes and tousled hair... God he was beautiful. " what." He smiled lacing his fingers with the other boy's.

He sighed before finally speaking. " Are you sure you want this?... And I mean the real you. Not the hyper you. Do you want this or whatever this is. Because I don't want this to be an in the moment thing... I want you," he looked down and played with Scorpius fingers. Albus looked up expecting to see a more than confused Scorpius, instead now sat a very serious boy. His eyebrows furrowed. " I really want" He put his free hand behind the brunettes head and united their lips once again.

He was such a rush.

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