New beginnings (part one)

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Draco knew he was gay since he was in fifth year, when he started to stare less girls and stare at guys well not really multiple guys mostly potter he thought a lot about being Harry's boyfriend in the past, but they were enemies so it didn't really work out. His parents don't know that he's gay yet so today, Draco's 20th birthday was the day that he was going to come out to his parents he was only hoping for the best. He knew his mother would be a little more nice about it but his father on the other hand was not the excepting type, he raised Draco to marry a woman in the future and have children to continue the pureblood Malfoy line. But that would never happen.

" Mother, Father I.... Um need to tell you something very important..."
"Yes Draco dear?" Narcissia said
" I'm- I'm um..... Well I'm- am g-gay"
He breathed in and out His father was not. happy about it.
"F-father please! Mother!"
Draco's mother just sat there in silence because she knew not to disagree when Luciuis was angry.
" Draco get your stuff you need to go." Narcissia said softly
Draco went upstairs into his room grabbed the essential things he was in tears he knew things would never be the same he said goodbye to his childhood home and left without looking back.

He had nowhere to go. He knew that his father would never let him back home as long as he lived there. Even though he knew very little about the muggle world he decided to stay in a muggle hotel even though it was all foreign to him. He walked into the hotel and asked for a room to stay in for a week, he could always find a flat to live in later. The woman at the desk gave him the card to get into the room. Draco was very confused, how could a piece of plastic open up a door? When he went to his room he tried numerous ways to open the door enraged, he yelled Alohamora luckily there was no one in the hallway. He dropped his trunk on the ground and sat on the bed.

It was a nice 4 star hotel it had everything he needed a kitchenette, a bathroom, a bedroom and a small living space. It was only missing one thing: happiness. He was so focused on finding a place to stay that he almost forgot about what happened earlier that day.....almost. He laid back into his bed and he started to cry he was so emotionally drained, he thought about what he would be doing if his father didn't freak out. He imagined himself and his parents at the table eating a feast in celebration. But instead he was an emotional mess with the words you are no son of mine! Ringing in his head. He cried himself asleep on a day that was supposed to be his day.

He didn't have a pleasant night. He woke up multiple times because of nightmares and he was homesick for a house that didn't really seem like a home to him. At 8am he heard something ring very loudly he was confused it seemed to be coming from the thing the muggles call a telephone. He went to pick it up and a woman said "hello" he screamed and yelled STUPIFY it was his initial reaction. He walked to the phone that was now half way across the room. Draco picked up the broken phone and said sorry.

Draco decided that today he would try to look nice. He opened up his trunk and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a green wool sweater out of it. He also painted his nails silver to match his slytherin Pride even though he was feeling quite heartbroken. He fixed his hair, put his black shoes on and went out. He hasn't eaten much since he left so he went to the nearest muggle café it was called the Grind. It was very quaint there was beautiful paintings on the walls. The menu was written on a chalk board with flowers around the menu.

He walked up to order
" can I have one buttebee- um a coffee" he wanted to punch himself in the face for almost saying butterbeer  " A muffin and greek salad please." He had no idea what most of the things on the menu were so he went with the things he recognized. He sat down with his food.

Out of the corner of his eye Draco saw a beautiful guy with dark brown perfectly unruly hair and round glasses.... No way it couldn't be.... But of course it was Harry freaking Potter. the only thing that popped into Draco's mind was how handsome he got since school, he was a bit taller but not as tall as Draco, his eyes were as green as ever, he had a sharp jawline and he was wearing a checkered red and black shirt with black skinny jeans. Harry ordered a coffee and he was about to walk out of the café. Draco knew he had to do something before Harry left.

" Hey Harry"
Harry turned his head only to see a framiliar blonde, Harry noticed how nice Draco was looking today.
" Hey Mal-Draco"
Harry sat down across from Draco and smiled.
" so what brings you to muggle London?"
Draco wasn't going to pretend anymore he was perfectly fine with who he is.
" well yesterday my 20th birthday I decided it was time to come out to my parents..."
" Well good for you Draco." Harry was beaming but that quickly changed  as tear fell from Draco's eye. Draco quickly wiped the tear from his face, he wondered why he was so emotional his because parents obviously didn't care about him. Draco thought to himself.
" So I'm guessing it didn't go so well." Harry said calmly
" Not at all, when I came out my Father yelled at me to leave, he told me that I was a disgrace to the Malfoy name and that I was no son of his. My Mother told me to get my stuff and go. So I apparated to the nearest hotel I could think of. It was officially the worst birthday ever. I honestly don't know what to do I have nowhere to go and nowhere to be. the hotel's fine for now but muggle stuff freaks me out still."  Harry felt heartbroken
" you know what you could stay with me I have an flat not to far from here you could stay in my extra room for until you get back on your feet."
Draco was surprised that Harry was being so nice being that their Hogwarts years were not what you would call perfect.
" Thank you so much I'd love too."
" call me when you're ready to go, okay?"
" well funny story I kinda can't call anyone because I Stupified the phone thing because I didn't know what was going on..." Harry started to laugh
" ok I'll pick you up in an hour then" Harry said between laughs
" you know I'm really happy for you Draco it was a very brave thing to do especially with your parents. See you soon."
" Bye Harry" Draco said he felt as though a light was lit up inside him.
Harry walked away and smiled.

Part two is coming soon. 
Lots of love!! :)

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