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(6th year)
Albus and Scorpius are exploring their sexuality with each other.

Albus was laying closely beside Scorpius only a couple inches away from his lips, their hands were intertwined. Albus laid there just staring into his best friends indescribable blue eyes as he leaned in; not exactly for a kiss it was too soft to be a kiss, more like brushing his lips against the other boy's. They did that a lot;
Clumsily touching lips, noses bumping, hushed apologies, through the already cast silencing spell.

They would cuddle through the night in each other's arms and deep down they were so worried that what they were doing was wrong.

They continued this for several weeks and they grew more and more comfortable with each other. Which resulted in stealing quick kisses in abandoned hallways or exchanging looks in the library. But all this seemed to stop after Scorpius had some news.
" Hey Albus I have great news." Scorpius exclaimed as he sat closely to the other boy.
" and what might that great news be?" Albus questioned smiling.
" Rose finally accepted my date request!" Scorpius said practically beaming.
" that's wonderful news Scorp." He lied
" isn't though?"
" sure is great, I should get a start on my homework..."
" I could help you." Scorpius proposed.
" no it's okay." Albus walked away completely heart broken.'You were wrong Albus. You really were just a game to him. Don't be heartbroken; you should have seen it coming' Albus thought to himself as he walked through an abandoned corridor where he used to kiss Scorpius.
" Hey Albus what shirt is better this one or this one." He said holding two similar shirts.
" they both look the same." Albus added as he faked a smile.
" no they don't!" Scorpius protested
" they really do, and I really don't think a shirt matters." Albus said flatly
" It totally does, I mean I've been waiting for this moment since I met Rose."
Albus felt as though he got punched in the gut.
" just go and have fun..." Albus said as he started to leave the room.
" This doesn't bother you, you know Rose and I right?"
" No it's fine." He lied once again.

Scorpius got ready for his date with Rose but something just didn't feel right, he put that feeling away for he had been waiting to do this for a while.

Their first date went fine but the second was uneventful... All she talked about was Quidditch and things Scorpius had no interest in. Scorpius was beginning to miss Albus's lips against his own, wanting to feel his arms wrapped around his waist again.

'He doesn't miss you, Scorpius. You're meant to be with Rose, a girl. You were just fooling around. That's what teenagers do, right?' Scorpius thought to himself on the way back from his date; with his arm wrapped reluctantly around Rose.

Thoughts kept filling Scorpius head, he didn't realize what he was doing until he was face to face with Rose. " Hey Scorpius, what's up."
" Oh hey Rose, I-um we... I don't really like you.... That was to harsh, I meant I kinda like someone else and um we can't do what we're doing anymore."
"I don't really think that there was anything between us anyways.... We'll have a nice evening." She said In a surprisingly polite tone.

Scorpius went back to the Slytherin common room, Albus was sitting on the couch beside the fire which gave a warm glow to his face. " Hey Albus."  He said as he sat closely to his friend who proceeded to rest his head on Scorpius's shoulder.
" how was the date?"
" it was fine." Scorpius lied, it was far from fine it was terrible. Scorpius wrapped his arms around Albus.

Things after that got quite playful which resulted to them falling of the couch and Scorpius pinning Albus down on the soft carpet hovering above him for a moment before instinctively leaning in. Albus completely froze up for a bit only paying attention to how beautifully the glow of the fire captured all of Scorpius's features.
Albus's heart was practically beating out of his chest as Scorpius pressed his lips to Albus's. It sent shivers down his spine as Scorpius pressed kisses against his jawline.
A soft "I love you" slipped  from Scorpius lips as they parted from his skin briefly.

Albus couldn't take it, he shoved him off half-heartedly and trying to look past the hurt in his eyes. " you don't love me Scorp, you don't mean it... You're straight, you love Rose... You don't mean it." Scorpius sat there still lightly panting, lips pink and hair messy, raising his eyebrow as he shook his head in disagreement. It took him a moment before he answered." I was scared, scared to love you.... I mean thought that it didn't mean anything. But now I know that I can't stand to be without you, I love you and I mean it." A Weasley-red blush crept upon Albus's face, the tint being illuminated even more by the warm glow of the fire.
He pulled Scorpius into a soft kiss.
" I love you too."

I saw a writing prompt thingy on Tumblr and I decided to write a oneshot...... This is my writing at 11:40pm it would be more detailed but..... Ain't nobody got time for that.
Lots of love

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